Part 12 (Threats)

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Freya's P.O.V.

Blake left that night and it was a bit boring the rest of the week without him around. Diana and I are leaving tonight so I'm just spending the day with my family. Marc was the same asshole he always is and kept harassing me all over town. Not to mention he also planned on leaving tonight. I was in my room packing when he walks in.

"What do you want Marc?"


"We already had this conversation."

"We did but, I got something I need to talk to you about... Your little boyfriend--"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Didn't look that way to me... But after all you are a great actress and you are very good at convincing people. Did he really buy the whole "I can't get pregnant." act?"

"It wasn't an act, you told me I couldn't have kids."

"True. But then you got checked, didn't you?"

"And I found out too late, I was already pregnant."

"You're good but I, unike him, know when you're lying. I know you got pregnant on purpose, I know why you don't want to be with him. Tell me... does he know about your gambling problem? Or say... your debt to pay?"

I don't say anything.

"I'll take that as I no. See I know all about your little plan... You get pregnant by a rich guy, preferably famous. You give birth to said baby, and leave the dad... Making him have to give you child support and with that you pay off your debt."

"That's not true."

"Eh, I'm sure he'll believe it."

"And why would he believe a word you say?"

"Oh, I'm not gonna be the one telling him..." He turns around with a knife.

"What are you doing?" I ask scared as he get close to me. I keep walking backwards until I eventually get to the wall with nowhere to run.

"You're gonna tell him. Unless you want baby to go bye-bye." He rubs the knife againt my stomach. "You're gonna go tell him when we get back to LA and you're gonna ask him for the money. Unless he wants to see his unborn child on his doorstep."

"You're crazy."

"No, just crazy for you."

"Yeah, right. You wouldn't have left me in the middle of nowhere if you did."

"I went back, but I didn't find you. So I came her to tell your parents you were dead. And to my surprise, here you are. Not only did I find my wife but, she's also pregnant... with my child."

"You gonna tell everybody you stabbed me to kill your child, too?"

"Oh no, I didn't do it... Blake did."


"He was on a jealous rampage. He found out the baby wasn't his and he just went crazy... Killing you and the baby."

"You piece of shit! You'll ruin his life."

"No Freya, you will. If you don't do what I say of course."

"All of this over money?"

"Well, my boss is getting impatient. The whole Blake thing is payback, he can't just screw my wife without any consequences... Now run along and finish packing."

"I don't even know who you are..."

"I'm your husband. Until death do us apart... literally."

Who is this man? He is nothing like what he used to be... He used to be lovable and kind, it's like he's a whole other person.

"And don't even bother calling the cops. I go to prison, the next guy won't be so gentle." He threatens.

"I'll get his stupid money."

"Good, I'm sure Blake will undestrand."

"I'm not taking his money. Your boss wants money, money he'll get. But it is not going to be Blake's."

"Oh it better be."

"Fuck you, Marc! I'll get the money, and I'll give it to Sean myself." I walk away but he pulls me back by my hair.

"Who the hell do think you're talking to, bitch?!" He presses the knife against my throat. I instantly freeze. "Sleeping with you has a price, you wanted to act like a whore? Then he's gotta pay up." He cuts me a little on the side.

I fall to the floor and begin to cry as soon as he leaves. What was I thinking? If I had known he was gonna be this psycho I never would've even talked to him. What's worst is that he's right! If I talk someone else is going to threaten my baby girl. I wasn't scared for my life, I was scared for hers... She's just an innocent baby, this isn't her fault and she's not going to pay for my mistakes...

"Freya you all ready to go?" I hear Diana who spots me crying... "Oh my God! What happened? Let me go get help."

"No! Wait! You can't."

"What do you mean I can't? You have a cut on your neck."

"It was nothing..."

"Don't try to feed that bullshit to me. It was fucking Marc, wasn't it?"

"You can't tell anyone."

"The hell I can't! You're pregnant, Freya!"

"If I talk, someone else is gonna come. I can't keep my baby safe, he threaten to stab me and blame Blake... I can't let him ruin his life. Oh my God, what did I just do? I told him! I told him not to answer that phone!"

"Whoa, what are you talking about?"

"I still have a gambling debt. And Marc told me to tell Blake the truth and ask him for money. Otherwise he'll put his unborn baby on his doorstep."

"Jesus Christ! What kind of psycho says something like that?!!"

"I'm sure Blake will understand and give you money to put this all behind."

"No! I can't, I can't tell him the truth. He'll think I'm just a con artist, that I got pregnant with his baby on purpose."

"You have to tell him, Freya. It's his baby's safety too... Please promise me you'll tell him."

"And if Marc finds out?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." She comforts me...

She's right, I have to tell Blake Marc's threating our baby daughter. If he loves this baby as much as I do he won't think twice about helping me out. But when he does, I'm afraid he'll never want to see me again. After all I did just put his reputation and life at risk...

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