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"Did you forget?" Jake asked me through the phone.

"Forget about what?" I replied, confused.

"The double date you promised you'd go on with me!" He exclaimed frantically back at me.

"Oh that thing... Today? That's today?" I answered him, slightly caught off guard. You see, I was hoping for some Netflix time tonight but I guess not.

I didn't even know if I wanted to go to this thing anyways. It's not like I wanted a boyfriend or someone to have a thing with, I was already perfectly content with staying single all of senior year. So why break my streak by going on a date.

But then again, Jake and Amanda were still pretty shy around each other, and they needed that extra nudge in the direction of love. 

I brushed my hair vigorously as I continued the inner turmoil of whether or not I wanted to go, before Jake's voice quipped back up from my phone.

"Mads. Please, I need your help! I'll owe you one, I promise, just please say yes." He pleaded with such intensity from his voice.

"Okay fine. Text me the details, but don't expect me to flirt!" I told him before hanging up and braiding my hair.

I had about three hours to spare before I had to go on the double date, so I took a light jog downstairs and grabbed my copy of The Outsiders  before settling down in my pillow fort and reading the book for the thirteenth time... or maybe more, I lost count after... yeah I don't remember.

After about three chapters, my phone vibrated on the table right next to me.

Jakey: You're invited to: The Best Double Date of your LIFE. Tonight at 6:30, Sebastian's Italian. My cousin Creighton will be your date! WOOHOO, I love you, and Thank you so so so much.

M: You're welcome you butt.

It was a good thing I shipped Jake and Amanda or else I wouldn't have listened to him at all. I decided to go get ready a little earlier so that I would have time to Netflix something right before I had to go.

After a while, I decided on a nice button down flannel and a pair of slightly ripped jeans. It didn't scream 'I want this date to work' which is great on my part, nor does it scream 'I'm not trying at all' which benefits Jake. A win-win situation if you ask me... 

You know, maybe it would serve me well to have a little eye-candy once in a while. I mean this kid is Jake's cousin so the looks couldn't stray too far away right?

Well I was wrong. Not horribly wrong, he was decent but he was so standoffish that I literally wanted to yawn every five seconds just for the sake of having something to do.

So let's back track to when I got to Sebastian's at around 6:25.

I was standing outside the restaurant mentally cursing myself for not bring a small jacket to fend off the breeze. Where were they? I mean, you would think they'd be on time at least for the cursed date they're dragging me on.

I started pacing around the front as an attempt to keep warm, and continually fiddled with my shirt, until I heard the voice that filled my heart with very fleeting happiness.

"We're here Lizzie! I'm so sorry, my car was having major problems." Jake said once he had reached where I was standing. He pulled me into a tight hug, and whispered a brief thank you before letting go.

I looked behind him and there stood his cousin, a pretty decent looking guy but he looked as if he'd rather walk off a cliff than be standing here with us. I ignored his aura, and looked around for Ames, who wasn't right behind us.

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