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I TUGGED ON MY SHIRT for the thirteenth time today, as I made my way to my first class; Analytical Geometry. 

It was our first football game today, and to say there was spirit was an understatement. The energy around school was so intense, I really didn't know how to describe it. Every where you turned there was blue and white splashed on the walls, and every person you looked at had an element of the school colors plastered on themselves.

I guess it was cool that the whole school was so united in this one thing. It seemed that all the stereotypes had taken a new perspective and decided that blue and white was the way to go.

So here I was, making my way to class, with my cheerleading uniform on, feeling awfully uncomfortable at the amount of stares I was getting. I tugged at the fabric of my liner and my shell, hoping that I could somehow make it stretch longer and cover more of my torso.

"Ms. Jacobs, why are you milling about in the hallway? You have about one minute to get to class." A voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at the huge clock in the hallway and realized that she was right. I quickly shouted a thank you before sprinting to class with my bag and books in hand.

I got to class right when the bell went off, and quickly scooted to my seat, still invariably aware of my exposed stomach. I took out my books and my pencil case and quickly got situated so I wouldn't be called on as unprepared. 

"Okay class. We're going to be learning about limits and their functionality within Calculus." 

Another boring morning class that I was not going to pay attention in. I averted my attention from the front of the class to the window that was to my right. As I slowly turned my head in that direction, I caught the eyes of Tyler in the back of the class.

He was sitting in the back row, comfortably propped up with his feet up on the seat in front of him. He gave me a small grin, which I returned immediately and then looked away. I felt an immediate blush rising up my neck and I quickly covered it with my hands, hoping no one witnessed that show of emotion.

I really needed to keep my emotions in check if I'm keeping this no guy rule up.


Classes dragged on by, but not without the occasional disruption of a rowdy student pumping everyone up for the game. It was interesting to say the least. 

I made my way to my locker at the end of the day, exhausted already from the overwhelming amount of spirit flowing around me. I probably should get used to that since I am a cheerleader... but it's just so much you know?

I sighed as I tried to figure out what classes I had to do homework for, for the weekend.

"So, are you ready for this game?" Tyler said casually from beside me. He had somehow slipped right next to me without me even noticing, which is something that seems to be happening a lot between us.

"Yeah I guess so. I really should be asking you that question, you're the football player." I replied with a small chuckle.

"I guess that's true," he replied, "so I'll you see you out there then?"

"Yeah. Good luck tonight!" 

"That means a lot Jacobs!" 

I quipped up my eyebrow up as he swiveled and walked away. 

I guess I was excited for the football game, but I was also very apprehensive. I just didn't know how to feel. I grew up with football in every aspect of my life so naturally I was drawn to the sport, but this wasn't Florida.


"First game as a Riverwood Eagle. HOW EXCITED ARE YOU?" Mel squealed in my ear as we made our way into the locker rooms. 

As we opened the double doors leading into our changing rooms, a guy came out of the football locker room right beside us. The familiar smell of sweat, cologne, and testosterone flooded the hallway and I was brought back to Friday nights in Florida and I began to tear up.

"Hey uh Mel, give me a second? I'll be in, in a second." I muttered before heading towards the nearest drinking fountain. Mel nodded with understanding and walked through the double doors. 

I missed everyone back at home and this was maybe the first time that I had such an influx of emotions since the abrupt move. I quickly composed myself and fixed the smudges under my eyes, and right as I was about to turn, I saw Kyra walking down the hall hand in hand with a guy, who was definitely not Tyler. I stepped into a crevice in the wall to avoid any further conflict and hoped she would pass me not noticing my presence.

As they walked directly past me, I tried to get a glimpse of the guy she was walking with but I couldn't without blowing my cover. He had green converse on, I probably should remember that for later. 

I ducked back out into the open and sprinted back to where Mel and the rest of the team were congregated in front of the girls locker room. 

"Hey uh- where's Kyra?" one of the sophomores standing in the back questioned.

I smirked to myself before replying, "I'm sure she'll be here soon."

And sure enough, a couple seconds after the fact, Kyra came in without so much as a glance at the team. She grabbed her bag and stuffed it in her locker before heading over to where her friends were huddled. 


"AND IT'S A TIE GAME!" the announcer bellowed as the crowd began to rally up, growing louder every passing minute. 

It was fast approaching the end of the fourth quarter, and the end of the game, but the Sprenford Lions called a much needed time out.

I looked out on to the field, immediately spotting Jake and Matt in the crowd of boys. I scanned quickly for another boy on my mind, but was quickly reverted back to the cheerleading team. 

"Ready for our final stunt sequence Mads?" Mel whispered over to me.

"Born ready." I winked.

I looked out again and saw the familiar piercing blue eyes of said Tyler Colton, and felt myself begin to brighten. Damn, he looked good in a uniform. I continued to watch as he walked over to his team, and began to gather them in a smelly huddle.

As the whistle blew for the game to start up again, the cheerleaders began to get in formation on the track facing the crowd. Getting ready to soar up in the air I began to smile. 

"Ladies, Up on three." Kyra barked. "One, two, three..."

The crowd suddenly got quiet, with few members standing up with mouths wide open. The Lions had managed to get the ball, and as the player was ready to release the ball, he was tackled by a player on our team. The ball left his hands in a curved right spiral, barreling quickly straight to us on the track. Not that I could see anything though. The ball hit one of my bases arms, causing them to cave in and suddenly, I was falling. I didn't have time to scream, before my vision went pitch black, and the noises began to fade.


A/N: It's been a year since I've updated, and I am SO sorry. I think the whirlwind that is Senior year caught me by storm and I have either had writers block, forgot or just was too lazy to update. BUT THAT WILL CHANGE! It is now once again summer, and I am ready and back on the Wattpad train. 

I'm Back! and better than ever ;)

Haha just kidding, but if you're still reading this, PLEASE let me know, because I seriously think I just lost all the readership I had :( Y'all are wonderful beings! 

Let me know what you think of this chapter! More to come ! As always, vote, comment, spread love!

xo. Nikki

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