Chapter 44

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Chris POV
That bitch Shonda got me locked up.
She don't want me to see my kids or get my family back.

I'm gonna be in here for six months. All for choking that bitch. No matter how hard I try I can't catch a break. I find out shay not mines, then I can't even see my own children. After Summer find out I will never be able to see my kids again. My fucking life sucks, nobody is in my corner and I'm tired of that.

My own mother won't answer my calls. Shit is just going bad. I need to talk to Summer some way some how.

Summer POV
We had a blast at the carnival yesterday. The kids really like Malik. He bought the kids some cotton candy, and me a elephant ear. He got on all the rides with them because I had the twins.
When we got home they fell straight asleep.

Since today is Sunday, I'm cooking dinner and getting everybody ready for the week.
I'm washing clothes, cleaning and cooking.
I'm cooking homemade sesame chicken, shrimp fried rice, and pita bread.
The twins are drinking a bottle, hopefully they take a nap.

"Malaysia, Lonzo, and Layla!" I called
They all walked in.
"I need y'all to bring y'all dirty clothes hamper downstairs now, so that I can separate and wash them. Y'all take a shower one by one because I gotta clean the bathroom in my room. Go do it now and I don't want to say it again."
They nodded and walked off.

I started cleaning up my family room, and I got a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting anybody.

I opened my door and it was Jada, London and some guy. I just look at her.
"Sorry to just pop up but I wanted to talk to you about the situation and for you to meet London's daddy."
"Come in and nice to meet you?" I said not knowing his name.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm Marcus."
They came in and walked in the foyer.
"Y'all can go into the family room, the twins are in there."
They walked in.
"Tete where the other kids?" Lon asked me.
"They upstairs you can go up there." She took her shoes off and went upstairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed my wine glass and poured me some wine. This is usually my Sunday routine.
I walked back in the family room.

"Summer can I start off saying, I was completely wrong for what I did. I'm so sorry I forgot what kind of mother y'all have please forgive me." Jada said sincerely.
"I forgive you Jada its not that big of a deal to me anymore."
She got up and hugged me.
"I'm glad to see you let Lon's daddy be apart of her life."
"Yes and he makes things so much better, we are actually in a relationship." I'm surprised but I didn't say anything.
"Well congrats to you too, would y'all like some wine?" They shook their head.
The twins started fussing at the same damn time.
I picked Maddie up and Jada got Mase.
"They usually don't be that fussy but today they are because their teething."
"Wow they got an early start."
"I know I asked the doctor about that he said its normal a baby can actually start teething sooner than now."
"Wow, I was a little lucky London didn't start teething til about seven months. But it didn't matter because London was a crybaby anyway."
We started laughing.
"You gotta work tomorrow?" I asked her.
"Yes I work from nine to five."
"How do people wake up and go to the bar?"
"Girl I don't know but its crazy I get so many different people on a day to day basis." I shook my head.
"So what about school?" I get serious with her because I'm her big sister and there is no such thing as too much education.
"I actually start in the fall to be a nurse, like you."
"Oh that's great well in two years I gotta job for you."
She smiles.
"Don't worry its gonna go by quick." I say burping my baby.
"You was cleaning before we got here?" She ask me
"Yeah and getting ourselves ready for the week. I gotta do it all by myself so I gets it done."
"I respect you so much sister, you always were strong even when I first met you despite whatever happened you were always there for me and Sam."
I teared up. I only want the best for my sisters, and they know that.
"It just gets hard you know, I'm always there but no one is ever there for me. I struggle with these kids, bills, and groceries on top of other things. I can't keep track of it all. I had to cut so much stuff down you don't understand. I haven't heard from Chris dumb a-- behind in over three weeks." I said remembering my babies were in the room.
"I know its tough sis, but God has so much in store for you. He don't give challenges to people he know can't handle it. Let it out that's why I'm here so that we can have each others back."
I cradled my baby and just cried.
"I'm sorry y'all, I don't usually cry I just have a lot going on."

"No sister don't apologize you needed to cry. I'll tell you what why don't I stay and help you clean and cook. Just like old times?" I smile and say "sure I would like that."

"I'm sorry Marcus this your first time meeting me and I'm just being a crybaby."
"No its okay, I know how it I'd for single mothers and I used to eat myself up about not being there for my daughter."
"I always knew you were gonna come back I promise you."
"Yes she did used to always say you can't stop him for wanting to be there for his kid." We all started laughing.

2 hours later.

We were finally done cleaning up and I had one more load to wash thank God.
My sister and her family are gonna stay for dinner.
My dinner is almost finished, so I set my table.

"Malaysia did all of y'all take your showers?"
"Yes mama, we all got our pajamas on."
"Okay y'all wash your hands for dinner."

London walked downstairs, and she came and gave Maddie and Mason kisses.
"Aww you such a sweet big cousin."
"I want mommy to have a baby."
Jada nearly spit her water out.
"Girl bye go be with the kids, I ain't having no more kids."
She stomped away. I started laughing.
"See this is what I be saying she too grown Marcus." He was still laughing.
"She only four she will get out of that soon."
"Yeah whatever."

The twins drifted to sleep and the food was done.

We were eating and talking it felt really good to catch up with her.

Nelle POV
I woke up to a really bad feeling in my stomach. I woke Jamere up quickly.
"What's wrong Bae?"
"I need to go to the hospital, I think some things wrong with the baby."
"Okay come on I'll go get Kayden."

We rushed into the hospital, I was immediately escorted to the back. I was bleeding heavy at this point. I was panicking and I couldn't breathe.
Next thing I knew I blacked out.

I woke up and I was in the hospital bed. I immediately checked my stomach and it was flat. I started crying and sobbing loud.

"Baby why you crying." Jamere said
"My baby is gone."
"Baby relax."

The doctor walked in.

"Good morning ms Neal, I have some good news and bad news."
"Okay." I said sniffling.
"We were able to give you a c-section in enough time, although your child was only five months in the womb so she is very much sick."
"Oh my god how sick?"
"Well your OBGYN was supposed to tell you that you were not supposed to be pregnant, and that is what caused all of this. You're eggs are and never will be in good shape, I'm sorry. You cannot have anymore children." At that point I broke down.
"So what about my baby as far as her health?"
"She should be fine within a couple of months, right now she's hooked up to a couple of machines with tubes to help her breathe, and her lungs are not developed so she should be fine."
"How long would she have to stay in the hospital?" Jamere asked
"For four more months." I literally lost it.
"What the hell you mean my daughter has to stay here for four months? Why can't she come home?"
"As I said she is very sick right now, I'm sorry but she is. You can come up everyday once you are discharged."
"Okay thank you so much."
"My nurse is gonna bring the birth certificate so that both of you can sign it." I nodded my head. How can this be happening. My baby, I'm so sad it's not even funny.

"Baby its okay I'm here for you we gone get through this." Jamere said
"Thank you baby. Its just sad how could this happen?"
"Baby relax our baby is fine, I love you." He kissed my forehead.
"I love you too babe." I said a prayer and drifted to sleep.

"Now lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake I pray the lord my soul to take. Amen."

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