Chapter 9

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"Dipper! Kid!" Stan shouted.

Dipper opened his eyes. Everyone as gathered around him. Wendy was on the ground beside him trying to wake him up, and Stan looked appalled.

"Just stay away from me!" Dipper shouted, as he jumped up and began backing up back to the Shack. "Before something happens." Dipper ran inside with his arm all burnt and blistery. He heard them talking amongst themselves as he ran inside.

"What is he doing?" Soos asked.

"I think he's gone insane..." Stan said.

"He's not the same Dipper I knew yesterday," Mabel admitted.

Nothing came from Wendy. When Dipper was upstairs, he laid in his bed and cried. He didn't even care about his arm. It didn't hurt as much as he expected it to. In fact, he felt that it was more so... Funny than he remembered pain being. Dipper grabbed Mabel's mirror from the table and liked into it. He did look insane. He hasn't showered ever since Bill showed up. He was dirty, had a burnt arm, and even his eyes looks psychotic. Bill is just trying to break you, Dipper told himself. Don't listen to him.

"Well, well, well, Pinetree," Bill said, slowly taking over. "Looks like you've got yourself in quite a pickle."

"Shut up Bill I don't even want to talk to you," Dipper said.

"Oh but you do!" Bill said, leaving his mind and standing in front of Dipper.

It was like dropping a burden. Dipper felt a part of him ripped out, like it was easier to walk. Bill leaving for just the short time he did made him feel better.

"Look, kid, didn't you hear all those things they said about you?" Bill asked, causing the memories to hover around the room.

Bill was right. Everyone thought Dipper was crazy. The words of Stan, Soos, and Mabel circled around in head like a tornado.

Bill snapped his fingers and out of nowhere a knife popped up. It was silver and glowing blue. It hovered down to Dipper's hands.

"Go on, kid, you know you want to!" Bill said. Get them out of the way. Then I can get the last two journals and destroy them. Stan has one, and he stole one from Gideon, Bill thought to himself.

Dipper stared at the knife. His face reflected in it, and it was quite terrifying. He scared himself as he grabbed the knife.

"Smart move, kid," Bill said.

Dipper looked at the knife, and then back at Bill. He had an idea. He held the knife in his hand and jumped up to where Bill was. He jabbed the knife into Bill.

"Ahhh!" Bill screamed, and he disappeared like a hologram. He reappeared behind Dipper, laughing hysterically. "Haha, kid, you're funny, you didn't think you could kill me, did you?"

"I would never kill my family. Never in a million years!" Dipper yelled, throwing he knife at Bill's feet.

"Oh we'll see about that, kid" Bill said to himself as he crept back into Dipper's mind.

Dipper began walking down the stairs when he overheard Stan, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy talking. And he heard his name mentioned several times.

"Look, I love the kid, but he hasn't been himself lately," Stan said.

"Yeah, dude, Dipper's gone a little bit..." Soos trailed off.

"Insane?" Stan finished his sentence.

"Guys stop it!" Wendy shouted. "Did you listen to anything what Dipper was telling you guys? He's POSSESSED!"

"Wendy, seriously. Of all the things he does and you're gonna believe something he says?" Stan said.

Wendy frowned and stormed out of the Shack. Dipper looked shocked.

"See I told you so, Pinetree," Bill mocked. "They think you're crazy."

Bill was right. They did think he was crazy. There was no way that he could convince them. But Wendy have him second thoughts.

Bill laughed in his head as Dipper crashed on his bed. Dipper didn't fell much pain though, it was more funny that he remembered. Dipper was pretty sure his arm was infected, his jacket was fused to his skin. He didn't care. Then he heard the phone ringing. Normally Dipper wouldn't answer the phone, but he looked at it. Maybe he should. It rang a few times and nobody was answering it downstairs. Dipper reached over and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Dipper said, clearing his voice.


It was Wendy.

"Hey Wendy," Dipper sighed.

"Listen, I totally believe you. I know what this demon is up to, he's trying to trick you. I saw you upstairs with that knife, and I saw the triangle dude too. Don't give into his tricks, ya hear?" Wendy demanded.

Dipper held the phone away from his ear. Wendy actually believes him. Now maybe there was a way to get Bill out. But Dipper didn't have the journal anymore. What else could he do?

"Don't worry, Wendy, I won't let you down," Dipper said. "Come over later, I need your help."

Wendy agreed and hung up the phone. Dipper was pleased with himself. He was going to get help from Wendy. But how?

Dipper felt Bill taking over.

"No! Not now!" Dipper shouted as Bill took over.

"Relax, Pinetree," Bill said. "What more can I do?"

"I can think of a lot of things. Why don't you make your own body?" Dipper asked.

"Don't you think if I could I would've done it by now? Besides, you're too fun to mess with!" Bill replied. "So I heard you got Red-head to come over and help you. Good luck with that," Bill laughed.

Dipper was screaming but no one could hear. As loud as he screamed and as long as he kept screaming, the only person who could hear was Bill. And Bill took it as a joke.

Dipper had to think of a way Wendy could help. When suddenly he heard someone open the door. Of course, Dipper couldn't control himself, it was Bill in control. Dipper was like a puppet. A puppet in Bill's unscripted puppet show.

"Kid," Stan said. "I couldn't help but notice you're a little..."

"I know I know I think it's one of those puberty mood swings things or something... I'm fine totally fine..." Bill smiled with his eye twitch.

"But you've been saying you're possessed or something..." Stan said. Bill didn't respond and kept smiling. Then Stan looked at his arm. "That arm thing... It's looking a little... Infected. We should talk about that."

"Get out of my room," Bill ordered, pushing Stan outside the door and slamming it. "Phew," Bill said, wiping his arm across his forehead.

"I will stop you Bill!" Dipper shouted.

"Oh save it, Pinetree," Bill said.

After about 20 minutes, it was 11:30 and Mabel never came to bed. Typical. Dipper guessed Stan wasn't letting Mabel be around him anymore. Finally there was a knock at the door. Bill went over to it and opened it.

It was Wendy.

"Oh hey Blendy-er-Wendy, yeah Wendy. I think I got sick so yeah you might wanna hit the road," Bill said, faking a cough.

"Listen up, mind demon control of Dipper. I've watched enough good or films to know how to notice if someone's possessed or not. Get out of this kid's mind!" Wendy said.

Bill pulled Wendy in the room and slammed the door.

"Okay okay, Red, you got me. You're smarter than you look," Bill admitted. "But there's no way I'm letting this kid go. I can use him for big things, and you don't need you getting in my way. So back off before you discover something you might regret."

"I didn't want to have to do this," Bill said, grabbing the knife again and slowly walking towards Wendy. Wendy backed up to the wall. She didn't have anything to defend herself. Dipper watched in horror as he walked towards the girl of his dreams with a knife in his hand. And there was nothing he could do to stop himself.

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