Chapter 2

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"Mabel!" Dipper shouted again.

Mabel did not respond.

"Wendy, quick get to the ground!" Dipper shouted at Wendy.

Wendy nodded and leaned forward so that the cart would land sooner. As planned, they landed safely on the ramp. As soon as the cart was parked Dipper raced out of it and towards his limp sister.

"Mabel!" His voice cracked.

"What the heck is going on?" Shouted the voice of Gruncle Stan.

"Mabel!" Dipper said again, and continued saying it until his voice was so quiet only Mabel would be able to hear it. He put his ear against her chest and could hear her heart beating, but it was at a slow rate. She didn't have very long.

"Stan call the ambulance!" Wendy shouted, running up to Mabel.

"Get off of my property! As far as I'm concerned, you're fired. Don't come back," Stan shouted at Wendy.

Dipper was too upset about Mabel to be concerned about Wendy. Sure, he loved her, but He loved Mabel more, and if he lost Mabel he didn't know what he would do. Stan picked up Mabel.

"Should I go call the hospital?" Dipper asked.

"No time, we can make it to the hospital ourselves," Stan said.

"I have mixed feeling about that-" Dipper mumbled under his breath.

They all boarded the car as Stan hit the gas and sped to the hospital. Dipper could see red and blue lights shining behind them.

"Gruncle Stan, you're-"

"I know what I'm doing," Stan said.

Dipper looked at the MPH dial by the wheel. 120 MPH.

"Grunkcle Stan you're gonna get us all killed!"

"Nope, look, we're here!" Stan shouted. He grabbed Mabel and raced inside the hospital as the police sirens drew closer. Dipper couldn't move. He couldn't decide if he wanted to go with Stan. He took off his hat and realized it wasn't even his-it was Wendy's. Then he remembered that Wendy was fired, and if that was true, Dipper probably would never see Wendy again. Dipper's eyes filled up with tears, but he decided he would go in the hospital anyways. He opened the door to see Doctors rushing around to take care of Mabel.

She'll be fine, Dipper thought. She just fell out of a Golf Cart that was 50+ feet in the air.

Dipper ran to Stan as Mabel was being rolled away on a hospital bed down the hallway by dozens of doctors.

"Will she be okay?" Dipper asked his uncle.

"I-I don't know," Stan replied.

Dipper looked at his uncle. He had his pajamas on still. His white tank top, his fez, and his shorts which he claimed weren't boxers. He wasn't even wearing shoes. Dipper knew his uncle loved Mabel very much to have ran out of the house looking like that.

A few hours passed until they were aloud to go see Mabel. The doctors all said if she survives it will be a miracle. As Dipper entered the room he tried to act as cheerful as possible, even though he knew he probably wouldn't see his beloved sister after this.

"Mabel?" Dipper whispered.

She didn't respond.

Dipper got in the bed beside his sister and snuggled up next to her, hugging her tight.

"I'd do anything to keep you alive," he said quietly in Mabel's ear.

"Anything? Hm?" Said a voice that Dipper knew from anywhere.

"Bill!" Dipper shouted as the room turned grey. "How'd you get in here?"

"It's your mind, Pinetree," Bill said, leaning on the wall. "You fell asleep next to your sister."

"What do you want?"

"The bigger question is, what do you want? I see your sister has moments before she breathes her last breath, anything I can do to help?" Bill asked with his echoey voice.

"You can leave. I'll never ask you for help again, remember what you did last time?" Dipper snapped, clutching to his sister. He looked at her, she was hopeless. Any breath could be her last. He looked up at Bill who was casually looking at his hand, acting as if nothing was going on. "What do you want anyways?"

"Oh nothing much, just a little something special," Bill laughed.

"And what would that be?" Dipper asked, staying close to Mabel. "If you want my body again, there's no way you're gonna get it, not in a million years. Last time, after you left my body, you broke my hand."

"Relax, Pinetree, I don't want to hurt you, I need you," Bill said, hovering closer to Dipper.

Dipper opened his mouth again, but before he could speak, he heard a buzzing noise.

"Uh-oh," Bill sighed. "Looks like someone's dead..."

Dipper jerked his head around and stares into the machine that was hooked up to Mabel. The line. It was flat. No sign of life.

Mabel was dead.

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