Chapter 5

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Dipper looked into the mirror in the bathroom. He was a mess. At least nothing got on Wendy's shirt... Dipper wiped his face one last time before leaving the bathroom.

"Thanks a lot, Bill," He said to himself.

"Oh, my pleasure," Bill replied in his head.

Dipper couldn't stand this. Bill was just sitting there waiting for something to happen. When Dipper opened the bathroom door, he was surprised to see Wendy standing there waiting for him.

"Dude, you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess I want paying attention when I grabbed my pizza..." Dipper said, looking at the ground.

"Ya think?" Wendy laughed, playfully slamming Dipper's hat onto his head. "Come on, let go win the big prize!" She said, pushing Dipper to the arcade section of the pizza parlor.

Dipper and Wendy both stood in front of the whack a mole game. On the front of the game, it said "100 tickets if you hit 10 moles."

"Are you kidding, that's way too easy," Wendy said, inserting a token into the game and it began. Moles began popping out of the small holes and Wendy hit everyone of them. Until finally she only needed to hit one more before she hit 10.

"Come on, Wendy, you got this!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Hm... Looks like fun, I want in," Bill said.

Dipper could feel himself slowly loosing control of his body. He opened his mouth to shout, but soon he could only see through his eyes.

"Bill? What did you do?" Dipper screamed. Of course Wendy couldn't hear this, it was all in Dipper's head.

"Think of it as sharing. Sharing is caring!" Bill laughed his crooked laugh.

As Wendy got ready to hit the final mole, Dipper's arms whacked the hammer out of her hands.

The mole escaped back down into the game and the game shouted "Looser!"

"Dude, what was that for?" Wendy asked, putting the hammer back in place.

"Uh... I'm not exactly sure... But hey, you still got 50 tickets!" Dipper said as he regained control of his mouth.

"Yeah I guess... Hey, go play that game while I try this again. We need 500 tickets to get the big prize!" Wendy said, shoving Dipper away to the video games.

Dipper still had no control over his body, just his mouth. Bill walked over to a crazy looking game.

"Dance Pants 2?" Dipper said to himself as his legs were basically forced to go to it. He stood on the mat before him and sat back as Bill began forcing his les to dance insanely. He set the Dance Pants game onto highest level and Dipper dances til he dropped... Literally.

Everyone who came gathered around to watch Dipper dance. And by dance, I mean shuffle his feet around stepping on the arrows that let up on the mat.

"Woah, Dipper, I had no idea how great you were at this game, we should've done this one first," Wendy said as tickets closed onto the floor from the machine. "At this rate, we'll have 500 tickets in no time!"

As Wendy counted the tickets, Dipper thought he was about to die of exhaustion. But Bill kept him going. Faster and faster. Until... POP!

Dipper felt a bone pop out of place somewhere in his body. He couldn't feel it, but he knew he would as soon as he regained power in his legs, which was almost immediately.

Dipper fell to the ground in pain and the Dance Pants game stopped spitting out tickets.

"I hate you," Dipper said to Bill as he tried to pop his bone back into its socket.

"Don't mention it," Bill laughed as he took over again.

"Why are you doing this to me? I think I'm gonna go insane!"

"That's what I'm aiming for..." Bill said. "That's exactly what I'm aiming for..."

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