Chapter 11

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Bill sat quietly on Dipper's bed as Dipper yelled at him and kept telling him to leave.

"Pinetree, you're way over thinking this," Bill said. "I mean, what has your family done for you lately? They didn't even bother to look at your arm."

Bill was right. Dipper needed to rid of them. Except Wendy, Wendy was treating him well. She believed him. All Dipper had to do was do this tiny favor for Bill and he would leave. Then Dipper could have a normal life again.

When Dipper was positive that everyone was asleep, he crept downstairs quietly with the knife in his hand. He kept telling himself not to do it, but hey, he didn't even listen to himself anymore. He creaked open the door to Stan's room. He had to do it right here, right now, before Stan woke up noticed he was in there.

"Come on, kid, you can do it," Bill whispered into his ear.

Dipper held the knife up over Stan. Stan was snoring away without a care in the world. Then Dipper heard someone.



Dipper turned around and frightened Mabel to where the screamed, and woke up Stan. Dipper was confused. What was so scary about a 12 year old possessed boy who was merely trying to murder his own gruncle? People these days.

"Dipper! Put the knife down!" Mabel shouted. "What are you even doing?"

"Yeah, kid, what the heck is going on?" Stan yelled.

"Give me the journals," Dipper said, and didn't realize the words were coming out of his mouth.

"What journals?"

"He says you have them, and he's never wrong about anything. He wasn't wrong about you, or Mabel, or even Soos. So hand it over or this knife goes into you!" Dipper said.

"Kid, look, you can't even chop a piece of wood. What makes you think you can kill me with your own strength? And what do you mean, journals?" Stan asked. "And what do you mean he?"

Dipper felt Bill take over. He didn't even care anymore. Dipper knew he couldn't do it with his own strength and it had to be done. Bill on the other hand, Bill could do it. Bill was strong, and smart, and he had those powers. Nothing could stop Bill.

"Don't play dumb with me Stan Pines. I know exactly who you are, and your entire life story. I can switch your world around in an instant!" Bill left Dipper's body, and held him up with his powers. He took the knife from Dipper and pinned Dipper against the wall with it.

"Dipper!" Mabel screamed.

"Shut it, Shooting Star, or you're next!" Bill said, snapping his fingers and out popped another knife which drew closer and closer to Dipper's chest as the seconds passed by.

"So hand over the journals, Stan, or your nephew is dead meat!" Bill demanded.

"What does he mean by other journals?" Mabel asked.

"Nothing, he means nothing. I don't know what he's talking about!" Stan lied.

Dipper couldn't choose a side. He wanted to escape because Bill would kill him, but if his uncle gave Bill the journal maybe Bill could teach Dipper the secrets of the universe. It was all clear to Dipper now. The knife was almost into him.

"Stan! Give him the journals! Now!" Dipper shouted.

"I can't!" Stan shouted.

"You guys are funny people, you know? Stan I know you have the journals, so surrender!" Bill said as the knife drew nearer to Dipper.

"I still have no idea what you're talking about!" Stan said.

Bill snapped his fingers and the knife sped up and went right through Dipper's chest.

"Dipper!" Mabel and Stan both screamed, as Bill released the knife that was holding Dipper up on the wall and he fell to the ground.

"I tried to warn you, Stan!" Bill said. "I'll give you another chance," Bill said again, making the knife hold up Mabel this time.

"Okay okay okay, they're down-" Stan said but was interrupted when something flew through the window and hit Bill in the eye.

"My eye!" Bill screamed in pain.

Mabel looked up as someone jumped through the window. It was Wendy!

"Wendy!" Mabel shouted, and freed herself from the hanging position.

"What's up, dude?" Wendy said. "Guys, all I have to do is make Bill look into this silver mirror and he'll get stuck in it, then Dipper will have to get rid of him."

"And why would you want to do that?" Bill said. But it wasn't Bill. It was Bill Dipper.


So yeah that was way different than I pictured it in my head... Anyways I think it's turning out pretty good so far. I'm going to try to get w better cover for it but ANYWAYS please leave comments if you have any tips on writing or if you have an idea on what should happen next! In the meantime I'll be watching you-er I mean I'll be writing the next chapter XD (comment if you understood that reference.)

BUT REMEMBER: Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold BYE!

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