Chapter 6

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They ended up driving home with the big prize, which was a giant stuffed animal duckling that wore a hat. It was as big as Dipper! They all decided to let Wendy take it home. When they got in the car, Dipper regained power everywhere in his Body, but Bill's annoying voice was going on and on in Dipper's head. They drove to the Shack and Wendy and Soos went home. Mabel and Dipper went up to the attic to get ready for bed.

As Dipper took his shoes off on his bed, he could feel Bill trying to take over. Dipper fought him.

"Mabel, what if I were to tell you that I made a deal with Bill to keep you alive and now he's living inside my head right now?" Dipper asked, trying to sound calm.

"I'd say you're funny. We defeated Bill, remember? I blew him up with all my puppets!" Mabel laughed. "That was fun."

Before Dipper could say anything else, Bill had taken over again.

"Oh yeah, I remember. I was just kidding," Bill forced the words out of Dipper's mouth.

Mabel smiled and went downstairs to get Waddles. Dipper was worried for her. What kind of 'big plan' did Bill have anyways?

"Bill, what are you doing?" Dipper asked. Of course it was just in his mind, so no one could hear it but Bill. "And why didn't Mabel believe me?"

"I wouldn't believe you either, kid, I mean, would you believe yourself?" Bill said in his taunting voice.

"I'll find someone who will believe me," Dipper said.

"Oh, well then good luck to you," Bill said, almost applauding Dipper. "Kid, no one will believe you. Stan doesn't even know who I am. They'll think you've gone insane."

Bill's words scared Dipper as they echoed in his mind. Insane. Is that what they'll think of me? Dipper thought.

"When they're out of the way, trust me, kid, your life will be better," Bill said.

"Out of the way?" Dipper asked almost in a shout.

"It'll all make sense soon!" Bill laughed as Mabel entered the room.

"What's so funny, Dipper?" Mabel asked.

Bill freaked out and held up a nyarf gun and pointed it at Mabel.

"This," Bill said, pulling the trigger on it and the little foam pellet stuck to Waddles' forehead. Bill began laughing again.

Mabel joined in on the laughing as she pulled the pellet off of Waddles' forehead. Waddles was unaffected and barley even cared that there was a foam suction cup stuck to his head.

Dipper sighed as Bill continued to occupy his entire body besides his eyes. Dipper was finally relieved when Bill let him take back over when it was time for bed.

"Think of it as a favor, I don't want you suffering too much," Bill said. "It'll take all the fun out of it."

Dipper tried to block Bill from talking to him while he tied to sleep, but it was no use. It was almost as if Bill gave his body back just so that Dipper would have to suffer with Bill talking all night.

Finally, Dipper had enough.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled, throwing his pillow over his head repeatedly.

"Dipper are you okay?" Mabel asked, turning on her emergency flashlight and shining it towards Dipper.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare," Dipper lied. "I'm fine now. Good night Mabel."

When Dipper was positive that Mabel was asleep again, he grabbed the journal from under his bed and flipped to an empty page. He took Mabel's invisible ink pen that she used for her diary and began writing this letter:

"If you find this, this is Dipper. Listen carefully and trust me, Bill has control of me. And he can control me whenever he wants. This puts everyone in danger. Either I've been sent away or maybe not, you have to believe me, you're in terrible danger.


As Dipper clicked the pen and tossed it back to Mabel's side of the room, Bill took over.

"Hm, we can't have anyway finding that, can we?" He said to himself.

He grabbed a pen and scribbled all over the page and signed his name at the bottom:

"And love Bill xoxo."

When Dipper repossessed control, he noticed a small mistake that Bill made. He scribbled on it with normal pen. Someone was still going to be able to read it. Dipper smiled and put the Journal back under his bed.

When Dipper woke up the next morning, he was very tired as he walked downstairs. He almost forgot they had stairs. He yawned as he slowly walked by Stan and Mabel.

"Woah, bag check for Dipper eyes," Stan laughed. "Anyone?"

"Dipper, you want some Mabel Juice? It was plastic dinosaurs in it!" Mabel said, shaking a blender full of juice, sprinkles, plastic dinosaurs, and more.

"It's like nightmares and coffee had a baby," Stan said, looking unamused.

"No thanks," Dipper said, opening the fridge and searching for something good to eat.

"What's wrong Dipper?" Stan asked, noticing Dipper's attitude.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," Dipper admitted.

"I probably won't, but I'll try to help," Stan assured, drinking his coffee.

"Well you know how Mabel mysteriously lived after a death certainty?" Dipper began. "Yeah, it was because I made a deal with an evil dream demon, who once actually tried to invade your mind and steal the code to the safe, and yeah. Now he's..." Dipper tried to think of a good word to use. "Apart of me, I guess? Anyways, you're all in danger, you've gotta listen to me, believe me," Dipper said but was cut off by Stan's sigh.

"Dipper, that's not possible," Stan said. "I think you need to go back to bed..."


"No butts except for your upstairs in bed," Stan said, pointing upstairs.

Dipper frowned as he marched up the stairs.

"Told you they wouldn't believe ya,
Pinetree," Bill laughed.

Dipper decided not to argue with Bill. It was pointless. He wasn't going to get out of Dipper's mind. Not until his work was finished.

Not until he drove Dipper completely insane.

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