Chapter 11 "Come Closer"

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(Francesca's POV)

Come with me now and see my world, where there's beauty beyond your dreams. Can you feel the things I feel right now with you? Take my hand, there's a world you need to know.

That was an excerpt from one of my favorite songs of all time. That line spoke to me, even when I was a kid. I would imagine myself singing it to someone who's lost and all alone. Of course, I wouldn't sing it out loud but maybe just serenade them in my head. Though, Sage heard me humming it once when I was taking a shower at her loft. It was the next day after she blacked out, she asked me if I could sing it for her and so I did. She was still feeling kinda sad that day, so I granted her request. She was amazed with the way I was presenting each words and melody of the song. She said it was like I sang it from the heart and she was correct. On that same day, Sage took me to a concert and wouldn't you believe it? It was J.Lo's freakin concert! I even met her face-to-face because Sage hooked me up with a back stage pass! Oh my God! J.Lo even gave me a customized signed autograph and we took unlimited selfies! Ay Dios mio! The fangirl inside me took over.

When I got home, all hell broke loose. I was in big trouble. My cousin was calling me non-stop. Someone told her that Val picked me up at work and she just drove off without saying a word. I couldn't explain what really happened back there so I just lied (BIG TIME). There I was, silently listening to my scolding cousin and her whining lover. I think they knew where I really was but... yeah they're pretty mad at me. The couple warned me if I continue on with my behavior, they would call my dad. They even told me to stay away from she who must not be named. Who is she? Voldemort? You have to call her "she who must not be named". Geez! I just nodded sarcastically and went to my room to call Sage.

At this point, I would do anything for her. I love her. There I said it! Well, it's true. I know I said it once but I don't think she heard me. However, she was reciprocating my feelings for her. I don't care if my relationship with her still remained a secret... as long as I have her here with me. Yeah, I get jealous when some girl flirt with her. In the back of my mind, I wanna rip her apart! No biggie... But I don't want Sage to see that side of me. It might creep her out. After all, I don't know if I am her girlfriend. But I think I am. Ugh! Whatever!

That weekend, we all hanged out at an open restaurant called Serrato while waiting for the Gay Parade to start. I didn't know that this was the 'it' place for the LGBT community. There were even food trucks that was parked around the corner.

"There are a lot of cuties out here." Said Madison eyeing all the lesbians. "Look at that girl with tats." she pointed, "I could hit that..." Madi wink at the girl when she glanced on our direction.

"You're such a perv." I said shaking my head with disgust.

Madison leaned closer to me and said, "C'mon, give me a break! I'm single and soooo available. Unless... you wanna—"

I glared at Madison with a smirk, "Pfft! Fuck off, dude! You don't even know how to turn on a girl."

Ginny and Kayla who was sitting across the table laughed. They threw used tissue papers at Madison still laughing so hard.

"Tough luck, Jones!" said Ginny who was grasping for air.

I laughed as well not because of what Ginny said but because of the way she was laughing. It was contagious. It's like I could fit my whole fist in her mouth! Seriously!

"I could still try..." rebutted Madison, placing her crossed arms on her chest. "Besides... Francesca made it clear that she's single. Maybe I could show her some new moves in the bedroom." She then nudged me while wiggling her eyebrows. Her face was getting closer and closer to mine. Eek! I though we already talked about this. But here she goes again. Another relapse.

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