Chapter 2 "Familiar Faces"

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Spring, spring, spring. They said it is the season of love. Pfft! More like a season for allergies. Eeek! Flying particles of saliva landing on your skin makes me feel more disgusted with the season. The café was packed with lovers as if this was the 'it' place for them to meet. Stupid hipsters. I cringed every time I see them making out. I wasn't bitter or anything, it's just that I am not a type of girl that will be so lovey-dovey to a relationship. Only hipsters do that. Yuck!

"Amm... miss? Can I have another ketchup?" my mind was wondering off and just threw the small packet of ketchup carelessly on the customer's face. I was the worst waitress and was never awarded for my services. Sometimes, I would sit for hours just browsing through the social media and paying no attention to the customers. I can't remember how many times my boss Carol shouted at me, scolding me to do my work properly. However, she doesn't have the guts to fire me. I wonder why?

"Madison, Ay Dios mio!!! I told you I can't go out tonight. I have work at the 2.0... you know that. Maybe next weekend?" I said to Madison while folding the napkins on the counter.

Madison sighed massaging her forehead, "Fine. I know you're just avoiding me after you saw me making out with another girl."

I bit my lip trying to stop myself from laughing but still I was so obvious, I turned around to face Madison and gave her a pat on her shoulder, "You are so hilarious." I burst out my hidden laughter, echoing all over the café.

"Order up!" called out Hannah, repeatedly dinging the bell from a small window at the back of the counter.

I reached out for the plated meal placing it on a tray still laughing. Suddenly the café's door opened, hearing another bell. Madison and I turned our gaze to see who just came in.

"Oh... their back." Said Madison smiling, waving to the familiar figure walking towards us.

"Look who's here..." I said smirking, sliding the tray to Madison "The beauty and the frowny. How are you on this fine pollenated morning, Ms. Kingsley?" I placed my elbows on the counter anchoring my head while teasing my dear beloved human beings. Another freshly well-groomed couple to complete this idiotic spring.

AJ's eyes were twitching again, giving me a heavy sigh for an answer while my cousin Kristina shook her head.

"I will be at my aunt's office. See you later, Soledad." Said AJ teasing me with my other name as if it would irritate me. She gave my cousin a kiss on her cheek and went on to see her loud mouth aunt.

My cousin Kristina graduated from Millikin University with honors a year ago. We were all there supporting her on her special day. My dad told me to be more like her and start living my life to the fullest. Tss... but I am living my life to the fullest. I have an amazing job and a place that I can call my own. New York is the place to be, my idol J.Lo even grew up from the Bronx and look at her now. Radiant as ever with tons of cash. I could be like her. Someday... Besides I know that my cousin will hook me up with some gigs.

"So how's life treating you?" asked Kristina drinking her tea.

"It's fine..." I answered giving a childish grin. I rested my back on the wall while sitting down on a two seater chair, I raised my legs, folding it leveling my chest. I blew strands of hair from my face trying to contain a smile.

I noticed my cousin was studying my every movement and facial expressions to derive on a single conclusion, "You met someone, didn't you?"

"Pfft! N-no..." I said fiddling with my hair, not looking at my cousin's direction. But I was smiling.

"Okay... What's her name and what does she look like?" my cousin rested her back with arms crossed narrowing her hazel brown eyes at me.

I sighed and kept quiet for a moment. My cousin knows me so well that she can identify every expression and movement that I make. She's the same with AJ. I think she can read minds... or just plain observant.

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