Chapter 5 "A Trance"

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(Sage's POV)

Val and I were outside, down on the side walk near where the café stood. Scandalous lesbians were lining up just to get inside the Original Riff. People gather here wanting to get a sweet aroma of turbulence. There's that slow motion of alcohol intoxication making the beauties and gents behave recklessly. A psychedelic music can hypnotize even the strongest of minds, eager to obtain that expressive jolt of lust spreading through our egoistic consciousness. The broad darkness spurs forcing a sensation to bewilder upon the majestic eyes of a young cub. I can see through it all. Let my Callahan side vent on this perfect occasion.

"Sage..." Val tapped my shoulders pointing to a car that was about to park in front of us, "They're here."

A mischievous smile formed on our lips as we glare on our two least favorite people in the world. AJ and Kristina.

"Hey, you made it!" said AJ while getting out of her expensive looking vehicle. She waved at us with that stupid smile on her face.

Kristina got out of the car as well (elegantly might I add) wearing a simple dress. It's not the way I used to remember her. She walked towards me with a frown on her face. I can feel Val was nudging me from behind. Kristina came closer and closer.

"Something is not right..." she said. I got puzzled from the way she was studying my face. I heard the silly Brit giggled while covering her mouth. What the fuck is wrong with this girl? Suddenly, Kristina removed the cigarette that was hanging on the side my mouth, she dropped it and stepped on it. I looked at Val then back to the girl. "What is it with you guys and smoking? It's bad for you. Geez..." She sighed and waved goodbye. She gestured AJ to come along to get inside The Riff.

"What was that all about?" whispered Val. I shrugged my shoulders feeling slightly stunned. The fuck? "Let's go inside." Said Val patting me on the back.

As expected the club was jam-packed. My vision of this place stayed true to its nature. I scoured the room to look for an empty table but I can't seem to find one. Suddenly, a group of girls called out to us and invited us to come and sit with them. Val and I looked at each other mentally agreeing with the idea.

We sat with them making the atmosphere heated with the moment. I ordered them drinks in return for their kindness. One girl in particular was in need of love and she was whispering suggestive words for me to take action to. A Callahan never turn their backs on an offer like this. The girl and I were already agile, she was reciprocating my desire of ferocity. Her fulfillment was done in a stall inside the comfort room. We were still exchanging kisses while fixing herself. She punched her digits on my phone and left with a smile. I immediately erased her number because I don't have any plans on seeing her again. I got what I want... so why should I persuade it again? I went out of the stall to wash my hands on the sink.

"It seems you got your hands full tonight, huh?"

I quickly looked to my left and found Kristina standing near the doorway inside the room with her arms crossed on her chest. She was raising her eyebrow ready to engage a conversation with me. I turned off the faucet and splashed my hands on the sink repeatedly. I know my pupils are starting to dilate as I walk towards her.

I closed the bathroom door, locking it so that no one else could enter.

"What are you doing?" she asked, staring back at me.

I leaned my hands against the door with her in the middle of the space.

"I'm making you blush." I said with a smirk.

"This is not funny."

"It never was..." I said in a husky voice. She was glaring on my lips as if she wanted to have a taste. The trance in her eyes released a wave in her body making her respond to a silent word in her mind. Her lips were getting closer to mine.

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