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My sisters, bad boy.




I run Into the arms of my loving husband and jump on him, wrapping my arms around his waist and encircling my arms around his neck. He wraps his around my waist and keeps me up on him.

"I missed you!" I screamed, suffocating him in a hug. I hadn't seen him in a couple months and it was killing me. He chuckled and pulled back, kissing my lips. "I missed you too, Love." He replied. I smiled and kissed him, feeling the tiny hairs above his lips and all around it, where he hasn't shaved in a while. But I still loved that feeling.

I open my mouth and he sticks his tongue in it. I moan lightly, making him chuckle. His hands slid down to my butt.

So, your probably wondering what the hell is up. Well, after Shaun died and we started straightening our lives out, we moved in Kurt's house for a year. I got a job as a therapist. All I had to do was tell them my story of what all happened. So then they put me in with helping people who have even though traumatising things.

Jacob joined the military which did us a lot of good. But it also meant he was away for long periods of times.

Once we had enough money, we bough a cute two room house in the middle of nowhere. About two months after that, we got married. We waited for about one more year before deciding that we wanted a kid. We hadn't done anything with each other like that because I still hadn't recovered from Shaun. Then nine months later, Erica was born. She's five now. Then there's Scott. He's two. And lastly, Dylan. He's one.

We are all happy. Living in an amazing house. We had moved a couple times until we found the perfect one.

Oh, I also stayed in touch with Prim. I wound up telling her everything I went trough and me and Jacob went to her and Paul's wedding. Paul.... he changed a lot. He is hot now. I mean... adorable. Prim got lucky as crap. We are all friends again. Its exactly like in high school.

Prim and Paul have three kids. Riley and Tyler. (Both guys by the way.) Their twins and eight years old. Tyler, Riley, and Erica all hang out together.

Kat got out of jail for good behaviour and she moved next door from us. Me, her, and Prim hang out a lot with all the kids. Kat married a computer guinness from Alabama named, Teddy. They only have two kids and their one. (Also twins) Their name's is Savannah and Samantha.

So.... very thing turned out amazing. Some nights I do wish that Jacob was home but... then I think about all the letters and emails he sends me. I usually Skype him. He's amazing though.... And I can't ever stop loving him.

"Jacob...." I whisper, pulling back from our long kiss. He smiled and put me down. "Yes babe?"

"I'm pregnant." I said bluntly. I had done this three other times so it wasn't that big of a deal anymore. Jacob tightened his grip around my waist. "Really?" he asked. I nodded and pressed my forehead to his. "Im not sure if I can keep giving birth, Jacob. It hurts like hell." He chuckled and kissed me. "I love you." I smiled back. "I love you to."


Yes... it's over. I know it's very short but that's okay. I might( Remember I said MIGHT) write A third book to this. But it all depends on how many readers I even get on this one.

I was kinda ready to get this story over with honestly. I was so pumped at the beginning but then when I gotta around.... the forth chapter.... I kinda just lost creativity and the fun towards writing it. So be lucky I even drug it on this long.

I love all of you guys and i really hoped you enjoyed this.

Remember, I might write a third part about everyone's kids but to do that, I would like to have at least two thousand readers. (But I doubt I'll get that much.)

Oh, I almost forgot, once im done with my current story I'm writing( Tough love) I'm taking a break from writing.

Which also reminds me: My favorite story I've ever written is 'Tough love' so can you pretty pretty please read that? if you don't like it, I understand.

I love all you guys! Thanks for reading!

-J O R D A N-

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