9; Jacob/Ashley

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My sisters, bad boy.



I open my groggy eyes to a large head of dark hair in front of me. I smile as a picture of last night pops into my brain. She was great. One of the best actually. I never realised how much I missed her until I had her again last night.

My arm was tight around her bare stomach, making sure she wasn't going anywhere. Her head laying on my shoulder, hand resting on my bare chest. she shifted in her sleep a little and made me tense up. God, she still can do this to me.

She winded up wrapping her arm around my waist. I felt her soft breasts on my side and had to fight the urge for more of last night. I rubbed circles on her back, feeling the line go from her waist, to her neck. I took a look at her arm, the tattoo sleeves. They just made her more beautiful. Anything she did with her body made her more beautiful.

Even with all the piercings on her lip, nose, belly button, and ears. The blanket that covered us was down to the very edge of my waist. Pulled up to only Ash's stomach. She grunted and moved in her sleep, mumbling "Jacob" under her breath multiple times.

I smiled and bit my lip, holding back anything I was thinking. But thought, I have her again.

And I won't let her go.

Her fingers started trailing the muscle lines on my chest. So I decided she was up. "Can you tell me what happened?" I whispered, running my hands through her hair. She jumped, then looked up at me, through her lashes. Her blue, beady eyes searching me. Before smiling.

"I didn't think you were up yet." She whispered. I smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Can you tell me what happened now?" I repeated. I leaned back and she frowned, biting her lip. She didn't answer. Just pushed me away and sat up, about to get off the bed. I jumped up and wrapped my arm around her stomach, the blanket about to fall off of her completely. I rested my cheek on her back. "I'm sorry," I whispered, rubbing her stomach. "I just wanted to know....."

She tensed up, barley moving and frozen in her spot. She didn't say anything. Just looked down at the blanket in her lap. "Ash?"

"I hate to talk about it......" she whispered. I squeezed her stomach. "Okay, I understand if y-"

"But I need to tell you," She turned to me. Her eyes about to tear up. "And I will. I've kept it from you." I nodded. She sighed and laid down beside me, hugging my torso. I wrapped my arms around her. "When I first went to college, it was great. I had good grades and some friends. But on my second year there, I met this guy," I clenched my fists, and Ash could tell.

She grabbed one of my hands and intertwined our fingers together. "Shaun was nice at first. Took me on dates and stuff. Said nice things. But about a year or two after we had started dating, he tried having sex with me and I refused. He got mad, and hit me. He did it repeatedly after that. And I kept telling myself he would stop. That's when I met my former best-friend, drugs. It started with cigarettes and rica shaded from there of to marihuana and weed. Other illegal things.

"By that time, I had no control over what I was doing. I was doing stupid shit. Robbing stores. Having sex with strangers for money." I squeezed her hand. "Getting into fights....... But I guess it was for the best thought, huh? Because I got to be with you one last time."

"Last time?" Did that mean she wasn't going to see me again? Oh hell to the no. She smiled and squeezed my hand. "Jacob...... I can't be doing this. If I was out of this rehab place, then maybe we could but....... Things are different-"

Jailhouse (Sequel to "My sisters, Bad boy.")Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora