6; Ashley/Jacob

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My sisters, bad boy.



"Alright girls, we have a new fighter in the ring today. As you may all know by her world famous underground fighting, this is the one and only, Bloody fists." Jacob said, smiling while looking straight at me.

How the hell did he know my name?

He winked at me before facing the small crowd of girls. "First things first, go to your punching bag and do twenty punches and kicks. Then switch. Afterwards, run a lap around the room. Then come as sit down right here." he pointed to the ground beside the mats. All at once, the girls nodded and yelled "Yes coach!"

I was not going to call Jacob that for shit. Jacob, was not a coach. Unless it was for teaching how to be sexual. Or stupid dumbass.

The girls went to their punching bags and Kat gave me a pat on the back before ping off to her own. I sighed and walked over towards the bags. I got in my stance. Bringing one leg back and bending my knees. I started throwing my punches. I punched as hard as I could, and by the time I finished punched with my right hand, my fist started to bleed.

Large hands gripped my hips and straightened out my stance with great force. I gasped and my legs felt weak. My stomach started its butterfly thing, and my lips trembled. Only one man can do this to me. I gulped and Jacob leaned down so his lips were practically touching my ear. "Keep your back straight like this." He slowly moved his hands up my sides, making my back straighten up. I closed my eyes and bit back the urge to moan.

Feeling his hands on me like this, brings back the memories I miss. I miss his hands, his body, and all of him. I have to admit that now. Wither I want to miss him or not.

Because I do miss him. I always have.

His presence is soon gone and I open my eyes. I lightly shake my head, then continue with the punches and kicks.

This is going to be a long day.



Ash really has no idea how much I hold back for her. I hold back wanting to touch her all over like we used to. Wanting to kiss her all over like we used to. I hold back everything. So she better not blame me for what I did.

She was over at the punching bags, doing her punches. But then I noticed something a little off with her stance. She was slouching a little bit. I smiled to myself and walked up behind her. I squeezed my fists, fighting with myself over if I should do this or not.

You know what, fuck it.

I grip her hips and change up her stance into a more perfected one. Although her back was still low. I was actually holding onto her again. She didn't pull away from me, and I was holding her tight. Like she could've gone away any minute. And in my mind, she could. I leaned down next to her ear and felt some strands of her dark hair touch my cheek and forehead. I shuttered. "Keep your back straight, like this." That's when I ran my hands as slowly as I could up her sides.

She sure did straighten out. I leaned forward a little bit and saw her face. She enjoyed this. I smiled and leaned back, making her stance better with my hands.

I pressed my forehead against the back of her head. I took in her smell of strawberry conditioner. Like it always was. I closed my eyes and melted into her. "Ash..... I've missed you so much." I whispered.

If only I could say that. I want to tell her that. But instead, I removed my hands and stepped back. She loosened up and waited a second before going back to work. I sigh and grip the sides of my head. My hands in fists, gripping hair. This girl was going to tear me apart all over again. Criminal or not. Druggie or not. Fighter or not.

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