He gave my hand a squeeze. You can have your movie night with Petra. I snapped my head to look at him. He had a resigned look on his face. I grinned and hugged him, "Thanks for the support ya big teddy bear!" He groaned but kept his arm wrapped around my shoulders, making me unable to untangle from him. People stared. Others gaped at me. Some glared but oh well. I will deal with those people if they do anything. 

One thing that I've learned is that you always had a bag of tricks. Regardless if it was a crazy squirrel you were able to talk into attacking a bully during playground hours or accidentally sparking the computer lab and frying everything. People reacted to things and when they were not really sure what was going on? They became extra wary and won't do sudden attacks like what that Hector guy did in homeroom. Nothing during my public school years in Florida led to anything physical. It was just all words since they were afraid of catching this STD the second highest GPA holder told everyone I had at the school--along with some other bad rumors she liked to spread. She was a nasty little classmate on the best of days. She just couldn't get over the fact that even though my family wasn't a mom, dad, cousins, etc. like her's; I had no access to Netflix, and lived in a dilapidated house with no pool like everyone else in Florida that it was possible for me to always score much higher than her and be the awesome teacher's pet for all my classes. Teeheehee!

Gavril walked me to my next class, AP Chemistry with Professor L. Constantine. He walked us up to a gentleman in grey dress pants and a grey dress shirt who shuffled papers around his desk. He had grey streaks in his black hair near his temples and reading glasses perched on his straight nose. He had a trimmed mustache and beard that he ran his fingers through as he read over a piece of paper. "Professor," Gavril called as we approached his desk. The professor looked up and stood, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose. He had blue eyes and laugh lines around the edges of his eyes. "Mister Gavril," he nodded his head, his voice booming naturally loud. 

He was one of Father's guardian captains before retiring. Now he works at this school. His wife wouldn't allow him back on the field after he almost got his arm cut off. 

Oooh~ I smiled. 

"Professor, this is Shelly Scher." The two tall guys glanced down at me. I awkwardly stretched my free hand out for him to shake. "Hello Professor Constantine," I greeted. He took my hand in his and lifted it to give a kiss on my knuckles. Woah! This actually happened! It wasn't something from Pride and Prejudice times only! "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Shelly. I have...right here some forms for Melinda. Please see to it that she fills them out. I prefer them to be back as soon as possible," he said, leaning over his desk, plucking a packet up. He handed it to me. I reached out and took it, nodding my head. "Sure. Are there any empty seats?" I glanced around. Gavril tugged me and plunked my stuff down in the desk in front of the professor's. "I believe that's the best desk for you," the professor smirked, "Relax Mister Gavril, I'll make sure she's brought up to speed with everything." Gavril shot him a look I didn't understand, but clearly the professor did when he nodded his head at him in acknowledgement. "And I'll make sure she's well taken care of. You have my word." Gavril leaned in and gave me a hard kiss before leaning back. 

"I'll be back later to take you to your next class," he murmured. 

"Uh huh. Sure. Won't you...uh....won't you be late?" I asked as my mind slowly came out of its induced daze. 

"No worries. If you haven't noticed, our class exchange time is ten minutes long. Wait for me," he replied and gave me another hard peck before leaving. I shook my head to clear the haze. Looking up, the professor sat perched on the edge of his desk across from me, a small smile on his face. "Mister Gavril is worried. Instead of teaching you Chemistry during this time, we'll be going over some spell patterns. Are you aware of spell construction?" I nodded my head. "Good. I've been informed by Pack Leader Chrys of what you know and his assessments. I would like to do my own. While everyone pairs off, I shall conduct my assessment in the next room," he hitched his thumb in the direction of a closed door. I nodded my head, while my mind whirled. I felt a bit of nervous energy gathering in my tummy that made me feel queasy. Gavril, you knew about this assessment thing right?

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