Ch. 59

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[Time Skip]
"How's my little birthday girl?" Tim asks as I walk into his room.
"Ew, that's today? Yay I guess I'm technically fourteen in the real world." I sigh.
"Do you want to do anything today? Maybe bake some cookies or something?" He sets down his book to turn to me.
I know exactly what I want to do but I can't do it. "Not really. I mean why would I?"
"Well... Alright then." He looks unsatisfied with my answer. Then likes he's conflicted about asking something. "You're still happy right? Not... Depressed?" I smile like a good girl and flash my most innocent eyes.
"Me? Why would I be? I'm perfectly happy here." I lie.
"Are you sure? Because I mean you and Ben used to be best friends and now..."
"I'm fine, don't worry about it. I'm sure whatever it is will go away soon." Who's a good girl? Who's my pretty little princess?
"Alright then. Just call me if you need anything."
"Ok dad." I flash a smile as I walk out and into my room. My blankets sink in the middle of the mattress and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. I'm pretty sure I made my bed. When I get closer I see the thing that's weighing down my blankets is two bottles. The label on one reads Jim Bean's and the other says Jack Daniels. Under is a few pieces if paper arranged into the Observers symbol, and under one that says happy birthday.
"Thanks I guess." I mumble to myself, checking that the seal is still intact. Both of them are and I stand them on the nightstand, looking at them deeply. What's the worse that could happen? Rape from some pedo taking advantage of a drunk or passed out kid? I always imagined that's how my virginity would be taken.
I shake my head, I can't possibly want that to happen. But I grab the liquor anyways and pop open my new friend Jack before taking a swig straight from the bottle. I cough for a minute after I swallow and choke on the feeling of scratches in my throat. But if Noah can do it, so can I. I tip the bottle back and hop on my bed to enjoy my birthday present from my new friend The Observer.
Still burn? Yep. Still taste good? Yep. Still sober? Probably not. Does anything seam to bother me? Not that I know of.
I save the second bottle for later and stand up slowly. I keep blinking, everything seems so... Different. I can't place how though. I make my way to the door, open it, and stick my head out the door frame. I giggle before pulling my head back in and repeating a few times. Then a spec of dust blows by and I clap it between my hands, dancing out into the hallway.
The hand railing on the stairs beckons me and I look at it very closely. I put my face on it and smell the liquor on my breath before jumping on and sliding downstairs. Unfortunately I didn't stop myself at the end, and fall on my face onto the floor. Which is hilarious.
I giggle at the wood floor pressing into my face before pushing myself up into a sitting position.
"I wonder where my friends are." I gasp suddenly. "I haven't seen Ben for forever!" I wiggle around, clap, and laugh while I talk to myself. I slowly get up and try to stealthily walk to the kitchen, humming spy themes along the way.
"Peek-a-boo!" I jump into a kitchen with Jeff, cleaning the dishes from breakfast.
"Are you alright?" He asks, turning his still frightening face to me. I shiver as he watches me calculatingly and stutter out an answer.
"Y-yea I'm fine. I j-just drank my birthday present, and was hoping t-to find someone." I slowly walk backwards until I trip on the area where the living room carpet meats the hardwood floor. "I'm fine!" I jump up and dash into the back of the living room, behind the couch.

Don't Stay, Don't Go (Ben Drowned Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz