Ch. 43

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Have I ever told you how much I love having my hair played with? Because it's absolutely fantastic, and very calming. That is until I snap out of the haiz created by gentle fingers and soft brushing to find someone sitting beside me, of course being Ben.

"Hi." He smiles next to me on the floor. I flash him a quick smile out of a lack of knowing what else to do. "You can say hi. You're not suddenly mute are you?" He urges. My mind flashes back to Ben pressing me against the wall only a few minutes ago. 'I can't stand to watch you ignore me.' I feel the weight of my silence crushing me.

"I'm hungry." I squeak.

"I was wondering when you'd say something. I can make you something, come on." Tim helps me up and walks to the kitchen. I follow behind slowly, and Ben walks beside me.

"It looks like you're hungry for more than food." He nods to my hands. I look down to find myself cracking my knuckles. I didn't even know I was doing that.

"What does that have to do with being hungry?" I ask.

"People subconsciously crack their knuckles when they're sexually frustrated." Ben deviously grins.

"Then you made me that way," I huff. "Are you a psychology expert now?"

"Not by a long shot, but I know how to read a body." I feel something click when he says that.

"Uh oh." I whisper.

"Uh oh? What's uh oh?" Tim comes over and looks me over.

"Uh oh is I think Ben just triggered the being high part of... whatever I'm doing with him. Maybe. Hopefully not, I hate that." I run my fingers through my hair. "This is going to be fun, lets see how long it takes to go full philosophical." I sigh.

"Don't deny it Liz, you're falling in love with me." Ben teases.

"Ew gross no. I might just have philophobia. I'm at least half certain." I puncture the air with my finger.

"Oh stop, you don't know what you're talking about." Tim scoffs from the stove.

"I'm serious! I'm such a retard, I do the same things over and over just to make sure it doesn't happen."

"Stop throwing around big words I'm not a walking encyclopedia." Ben growls.

"The fear of falling in love or being loved dumbass." I hiss. "God dammit I'm doing it again!"

"We're all just creatures of HABIT." Evan walks in, takes something from the fridge, and exists promptly.

"Talk about perfect timing." I whistle.

"You know who else has perfect timing?" Tim asks.

"Who?" I amuse him.

"I do. Here's breakfast, or rather lunch." Tim sets down a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Ben and I. The steam whips up my nose as I breathe in the smell deeply.

"Eggs?" I ask before taking a bite. They are delicious though, and in seconds half my plate is gone.

"Yea, why? Eggs are great right?" Tim asks.

"She can eat three fourths of a carton by herself Masky, eggs are fantastic." Ben scoffs.

"Only when I'm really hungry! But yea, I'm just surprised." I smile at Tim through his mask.

"Well that's good. And look, your scratches are almost gone." I look at my arms, that were previously marked with jagged red lines. Now it's just a faint sign that I had ever been hurt.

"What? How does that work?" I look myself over to find that I have no bruises or scraps from falling out of a tree.

"Oh that's right! It's sort of hard to die here at the mansion because wounds heal extremely fast. A side effect is no one ever noticeably ages... Well shit. I was going to do something but I don't think having a baby here forever is a good idea..." Tim trails off and looks deep in thought.

"Yep, no one ever gets pregnant, no one ever gets sick, and I don't think the girls get their periods but you'd have to ask." Ben elaborates. Well that's great! At least one good side of being stuck here is I won't have to put up with a fucking bloody mess every month.

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