Ch. 1

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My breathing is rapid, my heart rate through the roof. My eyes glued open, scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary. The light is on, it almost always is these days. Seeing that there is nothing to be afraid of I blink, moisture returning to my eyes. I desperately want to keep them closed, to let my eyes stop feeling so dry and scratchy. On the other hand if they are closed for to long something can sneak up on me. I take a deep breath, almost forgetting to let it go.
The clock tells me it's nearing one in the morning, I have school in a few hours. I want desperately to get some sleep before school so that my mind isn't complete mush. I turn back to my phone. CreepyPastas, I love you, but I can't stand you.
I look for another story, skipping over the Internet famous story's like Jeff the Killer and the Rake. I see one name Ben drowned. I know everyone knows that story so I keep looking. But then I pause. I scroll back up slowly and hesitantly click the link. The page takes a minute to load and I curse my stupid phone. Finally the page comes up on the screen and I start reading. As I thought, the story is boring. All famous ones are.
As I read on, I get a growing sense of dread. And the feeling that someone is watching me. Why does my bed have to be right under the window? I pull the blanket up more and instantly feel drowsy. Stupid comfy blanket, I feel my eyes droop. I'm going to at least finish this pasta. I bite my cheek and read on. When I finish I put my phone down and leave the light on as I try to convince myself to close my eyes. I can't.
Ever sense I started staying up late to read scary stories I haven't gotten much sleep. Just when I finally pass out or sleep at my desk in school. But this is my lifestyle, scary stories till morning, dreading my decisions when I need to sleep. It doesn't help that I have schizophrenia. I pop my pills and take a swig of water. I think of the stories I read and I think of Ben. That actually got kinda scary. I take a deep breath and blink, definitely not sleeping tonight.

Don't Stay, Don't Go (Ben Drowned Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora