Ch. 47

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"And here's my room. They let me keep the knifes." Habit smiles like he just let me in on a secret, and swings his door open. He has a bed in the corner, a little nightstand, a drawer, a few posters, and a plethora of weapons hanging on the walls. Some just stabbed right in the side of the room.
"Woah..." I gape at the sharp weapons that are probably a safety hazard. Habit pulls one out of the wall and holds it up to the light.
"You like that? Check it out. Hold out your arm."
"Gunna stab me? Or cut me open like your victims?" I joke as I do as he requests.
"Just gunna show you how sharp it is." He assures as he lightly drags the blade across my arm. I feel a slight pinch of pain but ignore it as the red line of my own blood swells.
"Cool." I whisper in amazement.
"Yea, and check out this one." Habit grabs another knife and does the same thing. He repeats the process of making small cuts along my arms and sometimes close to my neck. It makes me a little nervous but the smell of blood inexplicably calms me. That is, until I can feel Habit getting excited by the dripping liquid. It probably isn't a good idea to have him getting bloodthirsty around me. I'm such a pushover, he could probably ask to kill me and I would tell him to have fun watching me bleed out.
But I'm sure it's fine, I mean what could go wrong?
[Ben's POV]
"Oh geez, that one is sharp." I hear a chitter with a bit of nervousness tossed in. I forget, is this where that possessed knife weirdo rooms? I scowl and walk over to where the voice came from. "Just watch as someone comes in and thinks your murdering me." I can tell the voice belongs to my sweet little Elizabeth, and it worries me. Why would it look like he's murdering her? A low growl escapes my lips as I draw closer to the door.
"Your boy toy will come in that door any second now." That freak laughs quietly as I slink through his door on the queue.
What I see is almost mortifying, even for me. Elizabeth is laying on his bed, and Habit is standing over her with various knifes in his hands. Apon closer inspection, Elizabeth's arms are lined with rows and rows of bloody cuts, and there are a few very close to her neck.
It looks like she hasn't moved to see me, and doesn't know I'm here.
"Boy toy? I don't have- do you mean Ben? I mean I guess you could say that, but it's not on purpose." Habit motions for me to remain quiet, and for once I listen to an order.
"Are you sure, it looks like it." I can't tell if Liz flinches at his words or the sudden cut he gives her. I have to hold back a growl as he hurts her. The information he's trying to get me is almost not worth it.
"How would you know? Never mind. Does it? I hope not. I'm just confused. He is trying to talk to me and stuff and, I mean I don't know how to deal with it I guess. I'm used to being rejected... I could always eat him like you did with your baby."
"That's right, the blood was everywhere. And her meat was so tender, I bet if I had cooked it it would have fallen right off of the delicate bones. They felt like twigs in my hand. And the taste, I almost want to do it again." Elizabeth hisses as a dull knife is run across her arm.
"I wonder what Ben tastes like... I should have said that differently." She laughs nervously, probably because she doesn't fully trust Habit yet.
"I could give you a taste." I purr, deciding I can't stand that freak making her blood stain his sheets anymore.
"Shit." Is all that she can say.

Don't Stay, Don't Go (Ben Drowned Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora