Ch. 19

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Woah....Haven't updated in awhile. It's been a stressful past few months. Seriously guys this update is waaay long overdue. I'll make it as juicy as possible. Update probably won't be long but at least it's one right? The picture above is how Charlie's going to be sleeping on Niall but his hand isn't on his cheek, his fingers are running through her hair. 

Charlie's Pov

I'm better, physically anyway. Mentally I'm falling apart. Everything that was buried deep in my mind came through. It's like the Hoover Dam exploded and water now covers everything. It's like a volcano went off and I'm drowning in hot lava.

Nialls taking me to Ireland, Mullingar to be exact. Which oddly enough is happening today. Woohooo. Now that wasn't an excited woohoo but one that's gonna make them regret taking me there. I don't really want to go back but I need to get things from the house that holds so many memories. There's a family photo in a shoe box in the small closest I've hide in so many times as a young lass. There's so much collateral damage there in that town that I don't think I could go back. But yet I keep going back each time I get, it just feels like somethings missing ya know? Its like a piece of myself died there, which matter of fact it did. I sit on Niall's bed as he packs his bag. He tries making small talk with me but I'm not really listening my minds all messed up and confused right now. 

"I'm gonna go get some water. I'm, uh, feeling parched." I let Niall know as I stand up and walk out of his room.

I'm getting freakishly close with Niall ever since we were taken. I mean it's not a romance close but more of a brother/sister kind of closeness; he's been really helping me. I've forgotten what it's like to have someone always there for you, no matter the hour no matter the time. It's really nice. But I know I can't stay long, I'm prolonging my stay. I need to get out and experience more of my life on my own. Then again I'm only 16 and in desperate need of love and affection before my heart turns to a complete black soul. Filling up the glass with tap as I take small sips leaning against the counter. 

"What is wrong with you Charlie?" I mutter running a hand through my tangled hair. 

Dumping the rest of the water down the sink drain behind me I just stand there and soak everything up. Mullingar. Mullingar. Mullingar. Is all that runs through my damaged brain at the moment. It's where I had a shitty yet loving life. It's where I had a mum, a dad, and a brother. It's where I had sorta new clothes on my back. It's where I could sleep in peace beside my brother on the floor. It's where I fooled around with my mum and Steven as we would wait for dad to come home. It's where I was happy. Wiping my sweaty palms on the sweatpants Sarah bought me. Sarah's been really kind considering the fact I went complete ape shit on her. She's bought me some new clothes and taught me to apply make up and use some hair accessories. She's been like the older sister I never had.

Everyone here's been treating me like a glass plate and that if I'm continuously going to be dropped and broken that one day I'm not going to fit back together. It's quite true; I don't know how much more of living this life I can take. What I need to do now is focus on what's important. When driving through Mullingar, avoid the shitty side at all cost. Tell none of the lads and lass about your life there. Don't cave at any sign of anybody's puppy eyes. Lastly, stay strong and suppress the memories of once happiness.

"Charlie, you ready?"

Looking up from my nails and up to the lad that talked to me. "Uh, yah let me just grab my suitcase and jumper." I tell him.

"Okay, but hurry don't wanna get started on the road late. It's an 8 hour drive and some odd minutes." (A/N looked it up on google and that is correct it's actually 55 minutes but I didn't want him to know the specific time) He sends me a teeth showing smile.

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