Ch. 18

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Wey Hey guys! Short chappie, caught in a bit of a jam

Nialls Pov

"Is she going to be okay?" Perrie asks as her hands twists her hair into a bun or something.

Shrugging my shoulders I remove Charlie's legs from my lap. Wondering into the kitchen where the lads are conversing. Pouring myself a cup of OJ and begin sipping on it. It's kind of weird that my appetite isn't as strong anymore. I know shocker. It's not like me, but after being held against my will and being forced to watch a lass go through trails of pain. You kinda lose your appetite.

"So is she okay?" Liam asks.

Setting my cup on the counter I sigh. Why can't you just leave the questions in your head? Fuck. "She's never to be okay, you know that right? All her life has been is horrible, terrible. It's what made her who she is. It's quite sad that nobody took in her. It doesn't help that she doesn't know what love and affection is. Let alone what caring and kind are. Does that answer your question? Does that answer all of you guys questions?"

Everyone is silent. Good. Finally some quiet. Picking the cup back up and bringing it to my lips, I continue drinking. Orange juice is a funny drink. I don't why, maybe Its because it's actually orange juice. The juice is a color which is what it's called. I find it ironic.

"So Niall..."

"What?" My accent rings in my ears. I'm starting to get annoyed.

"How have you been with all this?" Louis asks. His hand holds a fork as he waves it all over.

Shrugging my shoulders I wet my lips, "I'm okay. I'll be ever better when Charlie's well." It's the truth.

"Are you sure you don't like her?" Eleanor asks.

Squinting my eyes in a glare as I stare at her. "I'm positive. I just care for her like a brother. She needs someone stable in her life and I plan on being the stable brother."

Setting the cup in the sink I walk out of the kitchen. Peeking at Charlie while she sleeps at the end of the couch. Her body curled up in the position I left her. Going to the closet in the hall, I fish a blanket out.

I lay it over her shivering body. It will get better in time Charlie. It's all in time. Wondering into the hall and through the door of my bedroom. Plopping down onto my bed, my hand rub at my eyes quickly and deeply. Laying down as my feet and knees dangle from the bed.

Thoughts pile up in my head like homework when you've had a sick day. I need to get away from all this. But I can't leave Charlie. Hmm.....Maybe I could take her with me? She'll like that, she's from Mullinger too.

Or would that bring her too many memories? I don't want her to be sad while we're there. I want her to be happy again. Do I have feelings for her?

NO stop! You can't! She's 16 and your 20. She's a minor, your an adult. I don't want to be known as pedophile. Those people are all sorts of disgusting. Gosh you're being a bloke about this all.

After debating with myself for another hour I come to a decision. I'm going to Mullinger and I'm taking Charlie with me. My family will fancy meeting such a beautiful lass. I can show her my home and she can show me what use to be hers. Is that harsh?

I need to know more about her. I need to know her life story and what got her to be this way. It's a sad way she's become. It's almost like she's a fragile, antique China doll. One thats rare to find. One that you must be extra careful with in order to preserve it's beauty.

Walking down the hall I turn into the kitchen. I see they haven't left from the spots I left them in.

"Hey guys?" My hand rubs the back of my neck in a nervous habitat.

"What is it Ni?"

"I was ummm...wondering if I, maybe could bring Charlie with me?"

"Bring her where?" Harry asks.

"Mullinger." I whisper.

"Why?" Liam immediately asks.

"She needs to get away from London."

"So bringing her to Mullinger where she last saw her family alive and well is a good idea?" Zayn says.

"Well, I think it is. Maybe we'll learn more about her. " I explain as my hand crosses over to my arm and pinches it.

It's another habitat that I've picked up since being here.

"That's actually a really good idea. But you have to wait.....She needs to be well." Harry says.

I give him an affirmative nod as I leave the kitchen. Harry's become really protective of her. It's kinda weird. It seems like he's replacing her brother, Steve. Grant it that he's deceased. But still you can't just replace somebody's sibling or family. No matter how hard someone tries to, it's not right.

All in all we're going to Mullinger, Ireland. Hopefully we'll learn more about Charlie. She hasn't given us a lot to go on. Pulling my phone my phone out of my pocket, swiping across it unlocks.

Going to my contact list, I zoom past all of them till I get to the one I haven't dialed let alone looked at in almost five years. Clicking it and the green phone. Holding it up it my ear It rings. Taking deep breathes trying to calm myself.


"Hi mum." A smile cracks to my lips.

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