Ch. 12

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Hey lovelies, how ya guys doing?
I'm great just stupid sore throat and bad cough. But I'll survive.
Here's chapter 12; I don't know how long it's going to be and I've also gotta update Story Of My Life, Taken In, and Just A Child yet.
I'm probably gonna only update this one and update the rest tomorrow.
I'm gonna do some advertising quick before I start the chapter. Go read Just A Child's please it's a Criminal Minds Fanfic first one I've ever written and thought of. So, go have a read, please!😁
Let the chapter begin! Enjoy!

Ghost- Ella Henderson

Charlie's Pov

Jolting up, looking around I see bars and a patch of sunlight. Where am I? Clutching my head with the hand that didn't support my weight.
Fear takes over my body. Loud boots pound against the floor. With shaking arms I sit up into a criss cross position.
"Morning sunshine." A gruffy voice.
Looking up I see it's not the same guy that appeared in the night.
"Where am I?" I demand.
He ignores my question and walks away.
"Hey, bastard I'm talking to you." I shout, pressing my face against the bars.

*Hours later*

Pacing in the small blatant cell, I become frustrated. It's been hours since I've awoken and found a nasty floor surrounded by bars. It's been hours since that man came down and simply left.
Pressing my body and face against the bars I begin to scream.
"Anyone! Can anyone hear me?" Spit flies out of my mouth.
"Can you keep it down doll? People trying to sleep." A voice calls out across from me.
It sounds familiar. I see a blonde haired lad walk into the light that emits from my cell. Limping at a slow pace.
"Niall?" I gasp.
"The one and only." he states.
Questions soar throughout my head.
"W-w-h-how did you get here?" I stutter out.
"I don't really want to talk to you, but since I'm guessing you're the only other one. I might as well." Niall takes a pause, before I could speak, he continues. "Might wanna sit down, its kind of a long story."
Taking a seat by the bars, wrapping my hands around them. I wait for Niall to sit. His face distorts in pain.
"It was the time for the night survey and I didn't have a partner. Harry reported seeing some of Wills men..."
"Whose Will?" I ask.
"No interrupting or I'm never gonna finish."
He takes a breathe, letting it out shaky. His face gives away that he's in pain.
"As I was saying, Wills men has been spotted. Harry, Liam, and Louis all went to survey the area they were seen at. Harry needed the lads just incase they fired. I don't know why he didn't take me. Zayn canceled on surveying with me because, he had a date with Perrie that's been planned all week..."
He takes a breathe. Fidgeting, I move my hands not being able to keep still.
"And he just couldn't cancel. I found it to be bullshit. So there I was walking along 7th street by myself. Surveying, looking to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Nothing was. I didn't hear anyone behind me, soon I feel my legs go out from under me and something clinks against my skull. I woke up here to see you across from me." Niall finishes.
"Wait...I was here before you?" I ask.
"I just said you were." He says, voice filled with attitude.
"Wait.... what day is it?" I ask.
"Heck, if I knew." he huffs.
"How many days has it been since I was kicked out your house?"
"Maybe a week." he states.
"So I've been missing almost for a week." I say. "How come I'm only waking up now?"
"I don't know... maybe you're being drugged. Check your arms." Niall demands.
Checking my arms, I notice little dots scattered across my frail arms.
"They've been drugging me."
Tiny visions of me waking up to a man with no hair and a nasty smile feeding a needle to my arm.
Clanking boots walk towards my cell.
"He wants you." The gruffy man that was here hours earlier says.
Opening the door I try to make a run for it but he catches my arm in a extreme tight hold.
"Not so fast."
Pulling me along I take a look back at the battered, beaten Niall slumped against the bars.
"Fight, Charlie! Run if you have the chance." he shouts, I almost didn't hear him.
"I will, Niall. I will!" I shout back.
Soon my wrists are being bound behind my back with rope. Looking around at my surroundings I notice it's a nice room with a large desk. The black chair is swiveled around so I can't see the mans face.
"Kneel." he demands.
His voice sounds familiar, I can't quite place it.
I stay standing.
"I said kneel." he demands once more. "No." I reply back at spite fire.
"Blind fold her."
Soon a fold is being placed over my eyes and everything goes dark. Shoes, maybe it's a heavy pair of boots. The sounds stops, ending right in front of me.
"I said kneel." he demands once again.
"And I said no." I state once more.
"Tsk..tsk trouble just like that father of yours." he says.
The back of my knees are kicked in as my face comes in contact with the carpet. I hear a definite crack in my nose. Thick liquid fills my mouth.
My head yanked back by the ends of my hair.
"When I give you an order, little one, you obey it." Pulling me up by my hair, I scream at the done infliction.
"Remove the fold, I want her to see what I'm about to do to her."
My eyes adjust to the minimal light. I see the same man that stood in front of me about 6 years ago.
"Freaky bald man with nasty teeth?" I stutter out.
"The one and only." he says.
Rage begins to fill my bones and I shake.
"You killed my father! You made me kill my brother!" I seethe. "Oh Stevie I'm sorry." I cry.
Whimpering away from his hand that slapped me seconds before.
"Quiet." he spits at me.
"You're a hard girl to find." His eyes sweep my body.
He walks behind me and places his grubby hands on my shoulder. I flinch away from his touch. It causes him to dig his short nails farther into my collar bone.
" Im gonna place pain on you that you've never felt before. Greater pain then all the times you've wept for somebody to hold you. Greater than the times you've blacked out and awoken with somebody else's blood on your hands." He says
"H-how do you know that?
"Know what?" He looks at me. "Oh you mean the joy you get killing the ones that hurt you. I saw it in you tiny, little eyes that you loved it. You just didn't know it yet..."
Realization floods through me. I loved killing Steven. I loved watching him suffer. No! No!
Cries fly out of my mouth, turning in saddened sobs.
"Do you thank me yet?" He asks.
His face becomes close to mine. His blue eyes are bright and full of life.
"No, I'll never thank you." I seethe.
"Of course you will. They all do." he says patting my cheek softly.
"Bring her out." He demands.
"Bring who out? Who's her?" I ask, curiously.
A women with matching brown hair and petite nose walks out. She looks like the years have been better than ever to her. Her heads is held high, heels adore her feet and an expensive looking pant suits adores her body. She faces me.
"M-mom?" I stutter out in shock.
"Oh.. hi sweetie, the years haven't treated you all." Her voice cold and distant.
Who is this women? She's not my mom. My mom would of cried happy tears to see I'm alive and partially well. She would of rushed over to me and unbound my sore wrists from the tough rope.
"What is it Will? I'm a little busy." she snaps at him.
"Of course you are dear." he says with a sweet smile. "I just wanted you to see Charlotte before the fun begins." he says with a sick mans smile on his face.
"Oh yes, I see her. Very much alive. Finish her. I don't want to see her ever again." The women who use to nurture me back to health on my sick days says.
She walks out not even looking in my direction.
"Oh dear?" SHe calls out.
"Yes, baby?" He purrs.
"Torture her good." She says, sending a wink in my direction.
Where's Niall?
"Niall!!" I scream out. "Niall!!"
My body overcoming with a strange emotion. An emotion that I thought I lost long ago.
"Oh shut up already." He snaps.
"He can't hear you anyway." Julia finishes.
No! I slump down further on my knees. My face, softly hitting the floor.
"You'll be dead soon enough, Princess." He pulls a latex glove over his hands.
"But first I'm gonna start with some old fashion torture." He walks closer to me.
His hand grips my neck in a tight hold but not tight enough to stop breathe from making it way through my throat.
"Why don't you just go ahead and kill me, you'll be doing me a favor." Pronouncing my words slow.
"I wish I could. But I think you're getting too ahead of yourself." He looks around the room, his glove covered forefinger taps his chin. "I think we're missing one more person in the room. The one person who took the beating for you while you slept away in that cell." He locks eyes with me. They sparkle with excitement.
"He should be awake. Bring him in." The disgusting man demands.
Couple minutes later, two men come in carrying a half awake, half staggering Niall. Grunts and groans comes from his mouth.
"Julia, dear, didn't you want to enjoy the show?"
She emerges with a smile. She takes a seat where moments before he sat in.
"Proceed." She says.
"Niall.." I say.
"Charlie, I told them I would take the pain. They didn't listen to me." His voice cracks. I don't know if its because of pain or if he's about to cry.
"It's okay. I can take it." I tell him.
Nialls ocean-blue orbs stare into mine. He tries giving me a small smile, his lip just trembles.
Struggling for air as his boot kicks my stomach. Screams and grunts flow into the air.
Nialls screams and pleas becomes mixed with the horrid women's laugh.
My own moms laughing at my pain infliction. Who Is she? She's not my mom, I know that.
Soon the blows stop as I feel my ribs crush underneath me. Slowly opening my eyes, everything's blurry and out of force. I see Niall slumped to the floor as the blows to my stomach begins again.
"Let's turn this up a notch."


So there's chapter 12. I hope you guys liked it.
So Charlie does have feelings. I'm glad she does.
Comment and vote, pplllleeaassseee😁😁

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