Ch. 17

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Hey guys, it feels totally weird to be 18. But woohooo!!!
Since my italics not working when ever there's a flashback it's gonna be in bold.

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Charlie's Pov

Grabbing the clothes that lay on the grungy hospital, I walk slowly to the bathroom.

Finally I get to leave here. It's been a miserable six weeks. Constant visits from Harry and the lads; don't let me forget their ladies too. It's just been exhausting.

Finally reaching the door, twisting the knob and stepping in. Shutting the door, my body hisses in pain. Setting the clothes on the toilet seat.

I wince as I see myself in the reflecting glass. Greasy, wait let me rephrase that, even greasier hair along with a pale face filled with bruises.

I literally look like a bag of bones that walk on two feet. Stripping from the thin cotton and replacing my ugly body with the clothes they brought.

Walking out I feel the soft cotton on the inside of the joggers. Pulling my hands out of the long sleeves. My eyes become trained on my bare feet. No hospital socks, no nothing.

"You ready?"

Looking up I see Harry stands there with a pair of shoes. A brand new pair. Woah.... Ironic much.

"Here slip these on." He hands me the shoes.

They're a high top, black and white converse. My old ones are nothing compared to these new beauts.

"Thanks." I give him a small smile as I slowly sit down onto the bed.

"You might want these." He hands me a pair of socks.

They're wool and most defiantly going to warm my frigid feet. Pulling the socks and then the shoes, a few grunts and low hisses escape my lips.

My ribs still aren't completely healed, the broken ones are just bruised, but there's still tons of bruises all over my body. I still have vivid images in my head of what he did to me.

"Let's get you home."

Harry takes my stick arm as he guides me out. Home? I don't have one.

"Home?" I voice my thoughts.

"Yes, home. The lads, Sarah, and I have opened our home to be yours as well."

My heart swells as my eyes fill with tears. They've opened up their home for me? This is amazing.


"Easy now." Harry tells me as he lifts me out of the car.

My feet walk up the steps, slowly. Harry already has the front door opened. I can hear him shouts orders and demands at the boys.

Using the wall as my steady stick, I make it into the living room. Walking over to the appealing couch I sit down, holding my stomach.

"Guys where's her snack?" Harry yells.

"Just chill Harry it's coming. She probably wants to rest anyway." I hear Zayn tell Harry.

I chuckle as I continue to listen to them bicker. Leaning back, I stare at the ceiling. My eyes browse the plain, white ceiling. I sigh.

"Please stop!!" I scream as he gives my stomach another kick.

He continues to yell, calling me every name in the book. I'm being picked up and thrown onto a bed. He begins to unbuckle his pants as a needle is being stabbed into my limp arm.

"Please don't." I cry out.

Tears fall down my cheeks as his briefs fall to the floor as well.

"Will, honey hope you haven't started without me." I hear my mom ask as the sound of the door opens.

"I was just getting started. Come on in dear. The show is going to be great."

Will stares down at me as he begins to kiss my mouth, roughly. Turning my head just to have it pulled back facing him.

"Look at me. I want to see the burning pain in your eyes as I take the one thing you had left." he spits at me.

"They're gonna find you." I weakly say.

He just laughs as he pulls my pants and underwear down. Loud sobs and screams float into the air.

"Niall!!" I scream out, hoping it sounds loud. "Niall!" I shout out.

"He's not gonna save you, either will your mommy."

"He's right, you know." I look over at my mum. "Nobody's gonna save you, I wouldn't want to save you. You were so ungrateful to me. I don't know why I didn't have Will kill your father sooner."

"Y-you had dad be k-killed." I sob out.

"No talking, the shows starting." Her eyes twinkle with something I've never seen before.

Pain begins to erupt from my lower region. I scream. I feel my heart beat, fast and loud as he slams into me once more.

"Please, stop." I implore.

"Charlie!" A familiar voice screams out.

"Please stop!" I shout as he continues.

"Charlie, love come back to Us."

Opening my eyes, I uncurl myself from the ball I somehow got in. "Please stop." I whine.

I feel a hand on my lower back. Flinching away I whimper.


Lifting my head from my knees, I look at Niall.

"Niall." I sob. "You didn't save me. Why didn't you save me? I screamed and screamed for you. He took it from me. He took it from me." Sniffling I wipe my nose on the sweatshirt sleeve.

"I tried, trust me."

"He took it from me. He took it."

I feel Niall. His arm is touching my arm. Without thinking I throw myself into his lap. Niall instantly wraps his arms around me as rocks.

"I know, I know."

"I want my dad." I cry out.

"I know you do. You have us now."

"I-I want Stevie t-too." I hiccup.

Niall says nothing as he rocks me back and forth.

"Charlie, you've got to breathe." he tells me.

"I-I c-can't."

My chest tightens as I feel my breathing sever. Help!

"Breathe with me." I look up at Niall as I watch him breathe in through his nose and let's it out through his mouth.

I copy his actions. "Just like that. Couple more times."

I do it a couple times as I feel the pressure slowly release from my chest. I lean back into Niall's chest as my energy has drained.

"Get some sleep darling."

I simply nod as I close my eyes hoping no nightmares haunt me this time.


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