Ch. 16

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Wanted to update just 'cause 😁

*couple weeks later*

I still lay here in the damn hospital bed. Doc says my ribs are getting better, well the bruised ones anyway. Hey it's some sort of progress.

Pushing myself up a bit to get more comfortable. Hissing loudly due to pain infliction. Dammit.

"Hey how you feeling?" I hear Harry ask.

God he's been here everyday and night. He won't leave me alone! I want to be left alone.

"Just peachy." I reply scrunching up my nose slightly so I don't cause myself pain.

"Hey hey, take it easy." Harry instructs me as rushes over to me.

God just leave! Aarg I wanna pull my hair out.

"I'm fine." I snap.

Moving away from his touch as I settle into the bed. Slowly pulling the thin sheets up past my hips.

Leaning my head back I close my eyes. Ahh sleep.

"Knock knock." Feminine voices along with male ones speak out.

Groaning as I fist the blanket. I want peace. I want a full couple hours of sleep. Is that so much to ask? Obviously it is.

"How are you, love?" Opening my eyes I look to see its Eleanor.

"I feel just fucking peachy." I spat.

Pain courses through my body. Ow. Squeezing my eyes shut as I breathe through the pain.

"Can I get you anything?"

"I just want sleep and quiet. I just wanna to be alone. Why is that so hard to get? I don't need to be looked after for fuck sake. I'm a grown lass surrounded by people who are doctors and nurses."

Silence. Oh just great they're mad. Just fucking great. "Look, I'm sorry." I apologize.

The hand that doesn't have the IV slides down my face in aggravation. Gosh stop screwing up.

"It's okay, you're in a lot of pain. It's understandable." Perrie says as she pats my leg. "Just get some, we'll be here when you wake up."

Simply nodding I close my eyes as I settle into the lumpy pillow. Ahh finally I can sleep.

Liam's Pov

"So she can leave in a couple days?" I question the doctor.

Nodding he takes a pen out of his pocket. Flipping open the Manila folder in his hands, he turns it around to show my a chart. It's a chart of Charlie's X-rays.

"Yes she'll be able too but she will have to take it real easy. She won't be fully recovered." He explains to me." You see here these are her ribs and all are healed besides the ones that are broken. They will take longer to heal." He points at the diagram.

Nodding as I follow with what he's saying. God I would hate to be a doctor. All the late nights along with tons of bloody sights. Well I mean I'm in a gang for fucks sake so the blood doesn't borther me as It was did.

Waking back to the room Charlie is being held in. Opening the door quietly as possible since I don't know if she's sleeping or not. Looking over at the bed, I see that her head is drooped to the side as shallow breathes protrude her body.

"So when can she go home?" I take a seat in the other plastic chair that's by the window.

"Probably soon, possibly by the end of this week." I inform them.

"Good Sarah's been going crazy at cleaning out that spare room that held a lot of our useless shit." Niall says.

We all chuckle. Sarah really has been going crazy cleaner lady on us. I would think that American ginger would hate Charlie, but she doesn't.

Sarah's a really forgiving person no matter how much they've hurt her. It's an amazing trait to have really. I wish there was more people like our red haired nurse.

I know it's not very long but it's still an update.
I feel like it's going really and dragging this whole scene part on
Trust me I'm working really hard on getting it moving on
Bye for now lovelies
Till next time 😘

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