Ch. 15

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"I'm tired." I slur.

"No, Charlie you've to keep your eyes open, darling." Niall instructs me.

Lifting my head up from Perries lap, I look behind me. I see a blurry vision of two Harrys. He's hurt. God he's been shot. They both have.

Struggling to get up to only have Niall lay me back down. "You probably have a severe concussion so you need to lay back down but don't go to sleep. You're always severely injured." I simply nod as I close my eyes.

"Perrie, babe make sure she doesn't go to sleep." Zayn instructs.

I hear his voice behind me. Sleep sounds so nice. I'm so tired.

"Please." I beg.

I feel a hand stroke my greasy AF hair. (A/N and yes I really put AF)

"You wanna hear a story?"

Now? I'm so sleepy

"I'm tired." I reply with slurs.

"I was just like you when I was your age. 16 and thinking I was tough enough to take the world on and let no one in."
She begins.

Is that what everyone thinks of me?

"I didn't have a home just like you. My mam hated me. She found me useless and would beat me around."

Harrys Pov

"Is she okay"? I whisper as Perrie begins to tell Charlie a story, her story to be more specific.

"She'll be fine in time." Zayn tells me.

"I thought you didn't care for Charlie?"

"Niall gave me a whole different perspective of that lass."

"Good. She's not going anywhere for awhile she's staying with us, with me."

Zayn begins to pull to bullet out of my shoulder. I hiss in pain. Damn Charlie's crazy ass mom has good aim.

"I'd love to have her with us." Zayn tells me with a small smile. "Hey Niall how you holding up there?"

He turns around and smiles. "I'm starvin."

Soon I hear Charlie's weakened voice crack out words about her past. This is it. I'm finally after all this time when I first saw her, I'm gonna know.

"My mum and dad were good parents." She begins. Taking a break as she finds her voice. "We didn't have much, always lived out of those dollar foods."

Charlie's Pov

I can't believe I'm saying this. I'm thinking this would be a good time to go to sleep.

"Ni?" I question.

"Yes?" I feel a hand on my ankle.

"Can I sleep now?"

"No." He chuckles.

"Is that all to your story?" I hear a voice up front.


"That isn't even half of it."

Pain throbs through my body as my hands covers my abdomen area. I cry out.

"You okay?"

I shake my head no as tears weld in my eyes. Ow

"Shh it's okay.." Perrie soothes me.

No it's not. I'm in pain. How is everything okay?

"You wanna keep telling us that story?" Somebody asks from the front seat.

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