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Well this is the last chapter I have really enjoyed you all!! Thank you all for all the reads and the votes. The comments were very helpfully too. At first I really wasn't going to to finish this book but y'all's comments kept me going so thanks😘💖

P.S. someone give me some books to read. It can be a book you wrote or a book you read and it was good. I'll vote and comment. I'm not no ghost reader.

Chapter might be a lil short.

👌🏽💝🙏🏽😇 Xavior pov👀💛💘💖
It's been 5 years since Quae got shot and my baby boys were brought into this world. Yes I said boys. Yea I was shocked too. I was like damn I'm the man. I made two of em!!! They some good looking boys if I do say so my self. The got my eyes,smile,and my attitude but they have Quae's skin color.

Man look a there. Me and Quae did that there. Their names are Da'Shawn Rasheed Johnson he was the first one born. Then we got Malik Quantavious Johnson. These names were originally the names we were deciding to name our boy but we ended up having two sooo....yea.

Ohhh I'm out the game now. Pops, and Shawn are out too. We decided that we can't keep doing this anymore and I have a a family now so no more trappin for me. Shawn still has his BDSM club and pops has his little over seas clubs. Me I just saved up a lot of money since I was 14. I have 20 million still saved even though I took some money out for my boys and to pay for their college.

I might be getting that money back tho cause these little monsters ruff so I'm gone put them in football. Probably track too cause they fast as fuck on they feet. I'm serious like I'm fast too but all that smoking I been doing got me out of shape, so I just quite smoking........ok not really. I only smoke when I get stressed or when I just feel like it.

I hear a crash coming from the kitchen. Ohhh hell, what they azz done did now. I hop my azz up and go to the kitchen. I see glass everywhere on the floor. I look at my little monsters and they are just looking at the floor.

"Clean it up!!" I say and walk out the kitchen.

Ain't no need for me to ask which one did it cause they won't tell on each other. I raised them right. They down for each other no matter if one is wrong the other still has his back. That's how I raise them. They need to take care of each other cause family is the only thing you got and the only one that cares about you. When one fights the other one fights with him. And they do. I swear I'm scared for them to go to school cause like they always ready to fight. Just like they daddy. Ohh shit speaking of school their first day is about to start in like 30 minutes.


"Aye boys get yo book bags and let's go we got to go see mommy before you go to school.

"Ight!!" They yell back. They grab they stuff and we drive off. We stop to go see Quae.

"Hey mommy!!" My boys say to her headstone.

"It's our first day of school today. We supposed to learn stuff but I don't want too." Da'shawn saids with a pout. I promise you he got that from his mama.

"Yea me either!! I already know how to read and write my name. I'm smart already." Malik saids. I smile, these boys a trip.

"Mommy I know you can hear us even thought your in heaven now so I just wanted to know.....ummm..... can you ask God what the power ball numbers are. Make sure you tell me so I can tell daddy so we can get more money. Ok I think that's it. Ohhh yea I love you mommy!!" Da'shawn saids and kisses her headstone.

"I love you too mommy. Ok we got to go now so daddy can talk to you. Bye bye." Malik saids and him and his brother both walk to the car.

"Wassup bae!! I miss you sooo much!! The boys are bad as hell, you know I think they get that from your side of the family. You know people say that the more you come to visit your love one's grave it gets easier. That's a lie!! It gets harder and harder every time I come and see you. You know I thought we were going to grow old and gray together, but I see God had other plans. I'm not mad I just wish I could of left first cause this has been hell living without you by my side. But I know your in a good place now so it's fine. Well I got to go take the boys to school now. I love you Quae, and I'm forever and always yours." I say and wipe the tears that fell from my eyes.

I look at her headstone,

Aphrodite Quarina Jones

April 27,1996-October 15, 2014

"We lost a soul but we gain two beautiful angel in its place, but that soul will always live with us in our hearts forever."

I hop into the car and drive off towards the boy's school. I park my car an walk them into the building.

"Ight now look I want you two to look after each. And make sure you pay attention and do as the teacher tells you, Da'shawn!!" I say and look at him sternly.

"Aye!! Why you got to point me out like that. I'm a good boy." he saids with an innocent smile. Yea right!

"You a lie. Malik even though he's older look out for your hot headed brother. Keep his happy out of trouble. You got me." I say

"Yes sir!!" He saids and salutes me. I chuckle.

"Ight now take y'all lil azzez in the classroom. And be good!! I don't want that teacher call me and I got to come down here and beat some ass!" I say.

"We'll be good dad!!" They say and walk into the classroom.

I stand there for awhile to make sure their straight. Finally I walk back to my car and I just sit there.

Damn my boys are growing up on me. Dammit I'm bout to cry!! They mama and them got me turning soft and issh, but they my baby's.

"Quae I still wish you were here with us, but I know you are watching over us. Continue to do that and give me some signs or something that I'm doing a good job on raising them." I say and just like that I see a white dove fly across my window. I smile remembering that doves were her favorite.

"Thanks baby." I say and drive off.
Well that's all folks!! I really have enjoyed writing this book. And I have enjoyed all of the readers and the voters plus the people who commented!! Just to name a few like lytisha32 @unqiuelyyymeeee ZatishaStarling @joenikawilliams @Neshia009 @Cutie_Pie_Love and sooo many more people!!

Whooo I'm going to miss these guys sooo much. Especially Quae!! May she rest in peace.

I started on a book about CoCo I just haven't published it and I might not.

But thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments.

Much love,


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