Chapter 7

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Casey sat down onto Beth's couch "what was he doing here?"

"I just got here so your best bet is as good as mine" Beth lied. She knew exactly why he was here but she didn't need her secret getting out.

"Well i think I may have gotten myself up shit creek, I was seen in the east mountains." Casey said.

"No no no no, Casey what the hell were you doing over there?" Beth sighed dramatically.

"That new girl got her car stuck in a ditch at like three in the morning, asked me to help pull it out with my truck" Casey explained.

"God damnit Casey! You could've exposed us! What if they found out? I like the new girl too but you know who her mate is you should've have left her in that ditch. You stay the fuck away from her Casey. The goddess has plans for her"

"There was something else out there, I could almost catch it's scent but it smelled like it was cover by hundreds of scents." Casey said

"Stay out of that side of the mountains I don't care if she's stuck out there or not she is not our problem" She said strongly.

"I thought there was no our, or us, or was it we?" Casey smirked

"There isn't, we both have specific roles to play and our roles do not include an us. now get out. " she said. 

Casey walked back to his apartment. He yawned loudly and got back in his bed. He wasn't sleepy anymore, all he could think about was why James had shown up at Beth.

Was it because of him? Did he put Beth on James packs radar. It wasn't uncommon for alphas to force their pack members to mate with whoever they chose, if it was in the name of making the pack stronger. Majority of packs don't practice it anymore but there are eastern packs where it is completely acceptable But given Beth's pack rank she would never be treated in such a way; so Casey scratched that off his list of reason why leaving him with nothing.

While Casey lay deep in thought Karlyn tossed and turned her stomach in pain her hands and feet ached. She convulsed every so often from a sharp pain in her spine. Her ribs stretched at her skin when she breathed.

Karlyn felt an intense hunger but she couldn't muster the strength to get up, so she stayed curled in a ball. The pain however didn't stop her from shooting up when she heard that voice again "he's coming"

Karlyn couldn't understand why she wasn't terrified her throat was dry from crying but she could still talk "who's coming" she asked hoarsely.

"He's coming, you have to listen" it kept saying. It didn't stop, the words drowned on and on. Karlyn held her hands up to ear and fell to the floor "please be quiet" she exclaimed.

Ambience, it almost sounded unnatural to her now. Karlyn lifted her head up and looked around her room. The voice had subsided, the only sound in the air was the tree rubbing against her window in the midnight snow storm. She went to open her window and realized she was no longer in pain.

Karlyn parted her curtains and raised her window. Viability was low, she could only make out a small part of the street where the dim yellow street lamp gave light to the snow covered street; The rest was a white blur.  The snow nipped at her nose but she loved the cold stinging her hot skin.

She sighed deeply at the full moon. She retracted her head and closed the window.she climbed back in her bed and fell asleep immediately.

Karlyn's bladder woke her in the morning. She walked groggily to the bathroom and sat on the cold toilet seat. She was definitely awake now. She yawned and wiped the sleep out of her eyes. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

Her clock's numbers read 9:30am, she had four hours before she had to get to work. She decided to go to the small clinic to see a doctor about these pain she was having.

"Hello Ms.Merlot, I'm doctor Hodson, what do you seem to be having problems with?" He asked politely.

"I'm having a lot of pain, not in just one place in changes ever so often; My hands, my feet, my spine, I'm having labored breathing because when I breath it feels like my ribs are busting out my sides."she explained.

"Hmm sounds like it could be the flu. Have you been vaccinated?" He asked

"Years ago." She answered.

"Welp just schedule an appointment with my receptionist to get the shots you need and I know you'll be good to go" the doctor said giving a warm smile.

Karlyn made her way to the the receptionist desk in the lobby. She set an appointment in two weeks.  She thought the flu was too simple but she wasn't a Dr. she trusted the word of the doc.

"So she will turn?" He smiled satisfied.

"Not necessarily, she could reject it and die, or there is the chance she won't turn at all, but her markings are already appearing. As you know most of us turn during adolescence, fourteen through eighteen is usually the time frame, but her turn has been halted, it's possible that if whatever was halting her turns were removed the cycle theoretically could begin"

"What could be halting the process?" He asked.

"Concentrated silver, wolfsbane or more likely she could be half human." The specialist answered.

The alpha gave him an annoyed look in response. 

"It's not unheard of, many wolves mates are human, some of their children turn others don't. The more deluded the bloodline is the less likely the turn" his reply didn't change the the alphas face and it didn't ease his worry. The room of advisors were quiet, no one dared to speak until he directed them too.

"James, have you gotten what we spoke of" He asked. James eyes widened and his mouth twitched. "Not yet alpha"

They could all see the Alpha irritation now and nobody dared to say a thing until he broke the silence.  "I have given you six months, how much more time do you need to prove yourself a man?"

A slowly growl slipped from James mouth. "Don't forget your place James"

"I know my place Alpha, it's has just proven difficult." James said

"I'll give you 3 more months" The alpha sighed.

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