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Josh's POV
I couldn't help but check on her. I knew she told me to leave her alone but I just couldn't give that to her, not after everything that happened. Sneaking into the gym, she was too lost in her run to notice me come in. I sat in one of the chairs and just watched her, she truly was beautiful. There was so much courage and determination in her face, it was breath taking.
When she was done, she moved to weights and I was surprised by what she could do. I had never notice just how strong she was. Just as she headed outside, toward the beach, Kyle opened a link with me.
I'll be back in five, we need to meet up.
I sighed and watched her strip down into her spandex and sports bra. My heart ached, I didn't want to leave her but I needed to figure all this out to keep her safe. I'm on my way.
Is everything okay?
No. Jo had a vision last night and it's not good man.
Pulling in now.
Closing off the link, I sprinted back to the house in frustration. I shouldn't have left her alone. Pulling open the front door, I found Julie making breakfast while Kyle and Connor talked.
"Connor go keep an eye on Josie. She's swimming."
He stiffened and nodded, "Can I stay on the beach?"
He smiled and skipped out the door.
Kyle sighed, "How is she?"
"Determined. What news do you have?"
"It's not good."
"We lost four and there are six females missing. They aren't dead because they can still sometimes link with the pack but they don't know anything about where they are. All they know is that it's dark and there are females from all over but no one knows anything useful."
Kyle stiffened and his eyes widened, "What?"
"He's working with Maya. She wants to get even."
"For what?"
Looking to Julie, I grew nervous. I couldn't have Jo's mom knowing and telling her so I switched to our link. Do you remember when Maya and I were on and off?
He rolled his eyes, That's all you ever were.
Well. She ended up getting pregnant and... I couldn't get up the courage to be honest with him, he would never respect me again. She lost the kid and blames me and I don't know, now she wants me dead.
"Bunny boiler."
I smirked, "Yeah, something like that."
"Why is William helping her?"
"Because he wants female wolves. Josie had a vision of Maya giving him females, I thought he was done with this."
Kyle nodded, "Do you know where William is?"
"No. I haven't seen him since my father's funeral."
"Do you remember anything from..."
My jaw clenched with the memories, "No."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"It's fine. We need to get the trackers on this, I'll call Kendra and get her up here on the next flight."
Kyle nodded, "I think she's in Florida right now."
"Easy..." I froze with a rush of panic pulsing through me, "Josie. Something's wrong."
As soon as my words were out she shoved into my thoughts. I was swimming, I didn't know.
What? Where are you? Why do I feel you freaking out?
William. White and blue speed boat, please...
Before she could finish her sentence, the link slipped away from me and a sharp pain pulsed through my head. Not thinking twice I snarled and headed out to the beach. Connor was sitting on the sand, scouring the waves.
"I can't find her, are you sure..."
Growling, I shoved past him and jumped into the water. When I was too far out, his scent hit me. It was impossible to miss the smell of death.
Kyle pulled up next to me with his boat, "What's going on?"
"He has her."
Kyle reached out his hand and pulled me into the boat, "Let's go." He stuck his nose in the air and flew across the water. My whole body was aching with dread.
"She said the boat was blue and white before they knocked her out."
He nodded and continued along the faint trail of death, it was so strong it blocked her scent from me and my wolf hated it. Hardly holding on to my sanity, I was shaking so hard my vision blurred.
"We'll get her back."
My eyes filled with tears, "I'm not strong enough for this."
Kyle's eyes widened, "Yes you are. Josie needs you to be strong for her right now, not doubt yourself. That girl loves you more than her whole life."
"We fought."
"What do you mean?"
"Our last conversation was a fight."
"She knows you love her."
Anger replaced my sadness. This was pathetic of me, Kyle was right, I am stronger than this. I'm acting like a sixteen year old female and that's not what my beautiful Jo needs. Snarling, I focused at the task at hand, not letting my emotions get in the way of my focus.
The path led us to the north docks and my wolf snarled at the sight of a white and blue boat, "There!"
Kyle easily pulled beside it and I jumped in. My heart stopped as the smell of her blood hit me hard. On the edge of the left of the boat her blood was smeared all over the place. It wasn't enough of a loss to have killed her but it would weaken her. Sniffing around, I memorized the stale death scents that lingered in the seats and in the carpet of the boat. William was there and there were three others, all males. They would die for touching what is mine.
Before I jumped onto the dock to follow it down the road, something caught my eye. In her blood there was a design drawn. I had seen it before but I couldn't quite place it.
"Kyle toss me your phone."
He quickly followed orders, "What'd you find?"
"She wrote something in her blood, maybe her mom will understand it."
Kyle nodded, "She is a clever one."
I couldn't help the smile of pride that spread across my face, "She's perfect." Jumping onto the dock, I turned back to him, "Stay here. I'm gonna see how far this will take us."
Not waiting for his response, I sprinted along the wood path until I came to the parking lot. My beautiful girl's scent ended in a parking spot where they had obviously doused the place with bleach, destroying their scents. My heart shattered again, turning the shards of my heart into powder.
Attempting to force open a link, I pushed my thoughts into her head. Hold on Princess, I'm coming for you.
Shaking my head, I wiped the blood form my nose. I needed Kendra and fast. Sprinting back to the boat, I jumped in as Kyle looked at me curiously.
"They covered the place with bleach, I need Kendra. Let's get home."
Kyle nodded and floored it all the way back to the dock. Julie, Connor, and Cris were waiting for us when we pulled in while Beth and Bailey walked our way along the sand.
Connor whimpered, "I'm so..."
I wanted to kill him, to tie him up in silver and make him feel the agony I was feeling but Josie would be disappointed with me. She would have told me it was her fault, that she was distracted and got herself into the mess and not to blame the poor guy. Shaking my head, I sighed, "What's done is done."
Cris frowned, "What happened? Where is she?"
My jaw tightened, "The trail dies out, I need to make some calls now."
Kyle growled and sniffed the air, "Who is that?"
I frowned, "What?"
His eyes flashed gold as he looked over my shoulder and it clicked, he was seeing his mate. He slid past me and moved to the beach as he walked up to a shocked looking Beth. He held out his hand, "I'm Kyle."
She blushed as she accepted his gesture, and stared at their connected hands, "Beth."
Josie would have loved this. Her smile always seemed to brightened when she witnessed a finding. Shaking away the thought from my head and the pain that accompanied it, I sprinted into the house and snatched up my cell phone. Easily, I dialed Kendra's number.
It rang once, "What does the big bad Alpha want now?"
"I need your help."
Her voice grew serious, "What happened?"
"William took her."
She gasped, "Josie?"
Snarling, I grew impatient, "Yes and I can't track her far, I need you."
"What do I get out of this?"
She sighed, "It's William. I was there with you Josh, I haven't forgotten those days."
She was right, this was a big favor to ask, "If you help, you're in."
"Get here as soon as you can and help me and I will make you a member of my pack."
"Really?" I could hear the hope in her tone.
"Alright cousin. I'll be there by morning."
Hanging up, I sighed with a little relief but all I could do now was wait and that was going to kill me. The others began to file in, wanting answers. Seeing Kyle and his mate so happy was agonizing but I was happy for him, this was all he ever dreamed about.
Julie walked up to me, "Start explaining."
Nodding, I reached out to Kyle, "Let me see your phone."
He pulled it out of his pocket and handed to me without taking his eyes off Beth and I mentally gagged. Was I as bad as him? Probably worse. Unlocking his phone, I opened the picture and held it out to Julie, "What is this?"
She took the phone, "The symbols of our Luna." Realization struck and she gasped, "Is this blood?"
I nodded, "It's Josie's, she wrote that. What does it mean?"
Julie looked so confused, "Betrayal."
"I don't know what she is trying to tell you but that's what it means."
Before I even had time to process what it meant, pain pulsed through my spine and I cursed as I fell to my knees. Everyone froze and stared at me as the pain came again and again.
"What the fuck is this?"
Julie's eyes were filled with tears, "They're trying to hurt her. The mark makes you feel what she feels."
My heart ached as the pain continued in waves. Not my angel, my beauty, my princess. This couldn't be happening to her. Before my wolf even had time to get mad, I passed out.

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