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Bailey and I got back from the coffee house around five. It had been just the two of us and was actually a lot of fun. She was someone I could be very good friends with and reminded me a lot of Beth and Heidi. It was nice to have a bonding moment with her, it made me feel like if I needed to talk girl stuff with her, I could.
As we walked into the empty house, she skipped to the kitchen and pulled out a pan and chicken from the fridge. "Connor is coming over. I'm gonna make him dinner, where is Josh taken you tonight?"
Taking a seat on the island, I shrugged, "He didn't say."
Her eyes went foggy with a mind link. When she came back to reality, she smirked, "I know what you should wear."
"A swimsuit and a coverup dress."
"He's taking me swimming?"
She laughed, "No but, just trust me."
I laughed and took a carrot from the bag she had brought out, they reminded me of Cris - weirdly enough they were his favorite. "What you maken?"
"Probably lasagna. It's Connors favorite."
"What's yours?"
She smiled and held up the bag, "Carrots."
Something in the pit of my stomach tingled and I got a strange feeling, "You really need to meet Cris. You guys would love each other."
She shrugged as she boiled water and cooked the chicken, "I don't know. I'm waiting for my mate. No point in dating around right?"
My heart swelled, she was perfect for Cris. "You're right. I waited for mine and I'm glad I did."
She giggled, "Too bad you got a man whore. My mate better not be like that."
Her comment stung but I brushed it off. Josh wasn't a man whore anymore. "I bet he's waiting for you too."
Her face lit up, "What's it like?"
"What's what like?"
"Meeting your mate."
I laughed, "I'm not the one to ask. My experience was very different than most. Your brother is a...difficult man."
She laughed, "Biggest understatement in the world." Turning she became serious, "But he would do anything for the people he loves. When father lost it and started beating us, Josh always took the hits for me, broke his back one time jumping in front of a crowbar for me."
My heart stopped, "What?"
Her eyes widened, "He hadn't told you?"
"N-No." I couldn't seem to wrap my head around what she was saying. How could that man do that?
She shook her head, "Please forget that. Let him tell you on his own."
Forcing the thought of my head, I nodded, "O-okay."
Still attempting to calm my thoughts, my phone rang. Eager for the distraction, I answered the call. It was Cris.
"Hey Jo. How are you?"
"Better. How are you?"
He seemed excited. "I'm great. You're mom called and said that she wants to make a trip up in a few weeks to see you and invited me. Wanna talk to Alpha Darrow and see if that would be okay? It would just be the two of us and Dad already said I could go but it would be my last trip, I need to start focusing on my move to Alpha even though I have like five years."
I laughed at his sarcastic tone. "I'll talk to him. It would be nice to see you again."
"Good. I miss you."
Bailey snickered at me.
Rolling my eyes, I continued talking to Cris, "You would be proud of me. I took on a hybrid all on my own."
"You what!" He yelled.
Laughing, I rolled my eyes, "He was still young, nothing like the one Mom and I ran into but still, I did it all on my own."
"Why were you alone? Where was your mate?"
"Being an Alpha. It was my fault I was alone but now I know I can do it."
Cris sighed, "How are you handling a first kill?"
My heart ached with the thought but not as bad as I thought it would, "It's hard but Josh actually helped me so much. He is a good man."
"I know. Goddess wouldn't put you with anyone but the best."
I smiled at his worlds but Bailey stiffened and looked a little annoyed, even jealous. Shrugging, I tried to smile at her, "You okay Bay?"
She nodded, "Yeah. You need to get ready though."
Cris cleared his throat, "Who is that? Her voice, it's so beautiful."
I smirked. There was no doubt in my mind - they needed to meet. "My friend Bailey but I have to go. I have a date. Talk later?"
"A sure. Love you JoJo."
"Love you too."
Hanging up the phone, I smirked at Bailey, "You okay?"
She shrugged and smiled, "I feel weird. My wolf is off. Go get ready and wear your hair down."
Skipping up the steps, I went to my room and pulled out my box of swimsuits and swim attire. I really needed to unpack my stuff. Placing the box on the bed, I began to pull everything out, looking at my options. Picking out my favorite two, I ran back down stairs to Bailey.
"Which one?"
Connor laughed from the kitchen table and startled me. I hadn't heard him come in.
Bailey smiled, "Lay them out."
Doing as she said she looked at them objectively.
Connor came over in curiosity. He smirked and pointed to the grey and blue one. It was a grey cheeky bottom that had a big, blue bow on the rear and the top was blue and strapless with a big grey bow in the front. Both bows were secured flat on the material. "That one will give him a hard on."
My cheeks blushed and Bailey smacked him, "That's my brother!"
He laughed and shrugged as he made his way back to the table, "Just saying."
Bailey rolled her eyes, "Go with that one. It's really cute." She pointed to the blue and grey one.
My cheeks flushed but I nodded and quickly ran up the stairs. It was already five, forty-five. I only had fifteen minutes to get ready. Taking a deep breath, I stripped down and pulled on the swimsuit. Not looking in the mirror, I found my black cover up dress. It was a spaghetti strap and loose, hiding my curves, but more importantly, it dipped very low in the back. It almost showed my bottoms but it was one of the few things that showed my mark. I would let him see it today, lay all my cards on the table, or at least most of them. Unbraiding my hair, I let the waves cover my back for the time being. Going to the bathroom, I put a light layer of makeup on and took a deep breath. I still had seven minutes to spare.
Not bothering with shoes, I walked slowly down the stairs. I was so nervous. When I came back down to the kitchen, I found Kyle and Connor at the bar watching Bailey cook. Kyle was chopping veggies. Slowly and silently walking to their sides, they jumped a little when they saw me.
Kyle laughed, "Fuck Josie! You gave me a heart attack."
Bailey smirked, "You look hot."
"You think?"
Everyone nodded. Connor laughed, "I'm telling you, blue..."
Before he could finish, I smacked him. "Stop saying that!" My cheeks blushed bright red.
Connor rubbed his arm and smirked as he laughed.
Before I could take a seat, there was a knock at the door.
Bailey rolled her eyes, "Answer that Josie?"
Confused, I shrugged and walked over to the door. Pulling it open, I was bombarded by Josh's mouth watering scent. He had on a pair of swimming trunks and a black V-neck that was just tight enough for me to admire his strength and muscles. He was smirking and holding flowers. "You ready?"
My cheeks flushed red and I smiled bigger than I had ever smiled before. "Yes."
Accepting the flowers from him, I turned to put them in water but Bailey was already standing there with a vase, "Go have fun." I put the flowers in the water, "Be safe." She chuckled and shut the door.
I turned back, Josh had his hand out reached for me, "You look beautiful." He pulled me to his side and buried his face into my hair, "I missed you."
"I missed you too." I hadn't realized it but I did. I honestly and truly had missed him. "It's my first date."
He smirked, "I like that."
"Where are you taking me?"
He pointed to the beach, "Out on my boat."

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