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LillyBelle469 and Alwaysanonomous, you two keep me updating ♥️
Dinner went by quickly. All the Alphas yelled over each other as they told me about their land and what it was like back home. It was weird being at the Alpha's table, made me feel too grown up. I didn't want to grow up, I liked being young. But I put on my best grownup face and smiled and acted very mature. Mainly all I did was listen and nod with a smile on my face. It wasn't too bad, all the Alphas were very respectful and kind to me - just like they had always been. Really the only thing that had changed was that I was stronger and where I sat.
Eventually throughout the night, Goddess had taken over me and blessed each of the packs with some kind of wisdom, everyone except Josh. He had staid quiet and hard all night. Never said anything or smiled, he just nodded and scowled every now and then. It was very unsettling for me and by the time I was done with the blessings, I was exhausted again and didn't want to deal with a grumpy Josh.
As the music played, Cris came over and tapped on my shoulder, "Care to dance Luna?"
Josh growled beside me but I ignored him and hopped out of my seat, "I would love a dance."
Looking from me to Josh cautiously, he slowly nodded and smiled as he led me to the dance floor.
He pulled me close, "For what."
"Getting me away from being a grown up for any minute longer."
He laughed, "Was it that bad?"
"No. I'm just tired after everything."
He nodded, "Stand on my feet then."
Happily, I climbed on his toes and laughed as he danced us around in a circle. "I'm going to miss you Cris." I pressed my cheek to his chest and sighed. He was my best friend and I didn't know how long it would be until I got to see him again.
"I'll come visit if he lets me, as often as I can." I could feel his hope and excitement with the idea.
"You better." A tear betrayed me as it slipped down my cheek.
I could feel Josh come over to us as he placed a hand on Cris' shoulder, "May I cut in?" His jaw was clenched tight and I could feel all his anger and rage as he trembled.
Cris nodded and released me, "Of course." He took a step back, and smiled sadly at me.
Josh eagerly pulled me to his chest and buried his head against my neck, taking in a deep breath. "I tried but my wolf couldn't take it anymore."
"I understand." His were the arms I wanted anyway. Wanting to make him smile, I smirked up at him and reached up on my tippy toes. Pressing my lips to his ear, I softly giggled, "I'm not wearing any underwear."
He stiffened and a bright smile spread across his face. Kissing my cheek, he laughed softly, "I could tell." He pulled me tight against his chest.
Wrapping my arms around his waist, I forgot about the dancing and just relaxed as I rested my head on his chest.
He swayed us in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone and then he would lean down and kiss the top of my head. Before too long, two more tears found my cheeks as I thought about leaving my family.
Josh stiffened almost immediately, "Do you wanna sneak out?"
Nodding my head, he scooped up my hand and causally walked me to the side door. No one seemed to notice us leaving, everyone was drinking and it made them a lot less alert. Josh pulled me up into his arms bridal style once we were on the opposite side of the doors. He seemed to relax and his features finally softened.
Silently, he carried me to my room and placed me gently in my bed, "Should I...Should I go?"
"No. Let me change and we can go to your room."
I nodded and pulled out pair of lose, striped, silk, pajama shorts with a matching top. Beth had gotten them for me last year for my birthday. They were from Vitoria Secret. Quickly, I made my way to the bathroom and began to get ready. Taking my gown off, I slipped on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, wiped off the makeup and as I walked out to Josh, undid my braid.
Josh smiled at me, "You are too beautiful for your own good." He kissed my forehead before holding my hand and leading me back to his room.
When he pulled open the door, I happily skipped to the bed and curled in, letting his scent get me intoxicated.
Josh just chuckled and began to strip down into his underwear, "You seem tired."
"Giving all those blessings was harder than I thought it would be."
He nodded, "What's my blessing for the pack?"
My cheeks went bright red and I looked away from him as I mumbled, "Me."
The bed sunk with his weight as he moved beside me and cradled me against his chest, "Why does that embarrass you."
"I just feel bad you didn't get talked to."
He shook his head, "You are the greatest gift she could ever give me in a million lifetimes. I don't want the blessings you gave out tonight, you are far more special and precious." Gently, he turned me in his arms and pressed a soft kiss on my lips before he pulled away and climbed off the bed, leaving me wanting more.
I watched him as he brushed his teeth and prepared for bed. I couldn't seem to get enough of him, it had my whole body aching for him. When he finally came back and laid beside me, I curled up against his chest and sighed in relief. This is how I wanted to spend the rest of my life, just like this.

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