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The trip was too long. We had two layovers and Josh said hardly two words to me the whole trip. He seemed hesitant and unsure of me. It was almost annoying. Where was the confident man with the cocky smirk? At our second layover, Maya went her own way back to her territory. It was nice to be rid of her, she made me feel uneasy and watched me with anger and jealousy. It was unsettling.
When we had finally landed in upstate New York, a tall man met us at baggage claim. He pulled a stiff Josh into a hug. I had seen him before in my vision.
"Alpha. We've been beside ourselves without you." He let out a booming laugh.
Josh hugged him but shoved him away, "I'm sure you did just fine Kyle."
Kyle's eyes found mine and his smile brightened, lighting up his whole face. "And who is our guest?"
Josh put his arm around me, it was the first time he had touched me the whole trip. "This is my mate, Luna."
Kyle bowed his head and smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kyle, Alpha's Beta."
Giving him a soft smile, I nodded, "I know, Josh has told me about you, you can call me Josie."
Kyle's eyes widened and he seemed almost in shock, "Josh? About me?"
Josh cleared his throat, "Let's get home Kyle."
Kyle smirked and snatched up my bag, "Follow me." He led us to a car, it was a big black SUV and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Where do we live?"
Josh smiled, "Greenport."
I had never been any farther east than Cris's father's territory. "Is it by the ocean?"
Josh's smile grew brighter, "Yes. The house is right on the beach, do you like the ocean?"
"Very much. Back home I would swim every morning with Josiah."
"You are more than welcome to join me on my swims."
My mood seemed to brighten, "You swim?"
He nodded, "Every day."
Kyle laughed at us, "Your boxes from home got here this morning."
"What? How?"
"Your mom called five days ago for the address and school information."
"Five days ago?" That was when I first met Josh. How did she know? I smiled to myself, she knew me better than I knew myself.
He nodded and smiled as he drove through beautiful trees, "We will need to get you some warmer clothes though. Your California stuff won't be useful when winter comes around."
"I have some savings and I'll get a job as soon as I'm settled, no need to worry."
Josh growled, "You don't need to get a job."
"Yes I do. My savings will only last so long. I was working at the movie house back home for a little while, then a coffee shop. Both of my bosses will send recommendations."
Josh shook his head, "Money is not something you need to worry about. You are mine and I will take care of you."
"We can talk about this later." No matter what he said, I was getting a job.
He looked at me sharply.
"How many members are in the pack?" I changed the subject, trying to lighten the mood.
"Eight hundred and seventy five."
Kyle gleamed, "Eight hundred and seventy seven. Linda had her pups two days ago."
"Everyone healthy?"
"Twenty fingers and twenty toes and Linda couldn't be better. Nick is so proud, we're celebrating tonight."
Josh shined his real, whole-hearted smile. "Let's go to Shady Cove, on me."
Kyle laughed, "I'll pass the word."
There was a break in the leafy trees, it was weird not seeing palm trees beside the water. It was still so beautiful, even more beautiful than back home. Rolling down the window, I stuck my head out and took in a deep breath. It was a fresh, salty, woodsy smell, almost as wonderful as Josh's scent. It was colder here but the cold didn't effect me after I first phased. We came back to the birch and leafy tree forest as we turned into a dirt road.
Passing a massive, gated mansion, Josh smiled, "That's the pack house."
"So big." We never had a pack house, we all had our own houses back home.
"Yeah. There are a lot of us."
We didn't turn into the driveway and I frowned, "Where are we going?"
Josh smiled, "Our house."
My heart stuttered and I hoped it wasn't a mansion. I liked normal houses, when they got too big it was overwhelming. The forest opened up to an average size house. It had a porch that wrapped around it with a hammock that looked out over the water. There was a Jeep, Jetta, and a Dodge truck parked in front of the garage.
Josh was watching me with guarded eyes, "It's a little small."
Rolling my eyes, I threw open the door and smiled, "It's perfect."
Kyle cleared his throat and took out our bags, "I'll be back in an hour, you guys get settled in." He smiled as he turned the car out of the driveway and left me standing with a cautious looking Josh.
"So what's wrong with you?" I asked, not liking his guarded behavior.
He picked up our bags, "About the ride with Maya...I want..."
Just wanting to forget about her, I sighed, "I'm gonna stop you there. I'm sorry I snapped at you and threatened you with leaving - that wasn't right for me to do. I want this to work and ultimatums and secrets will only make it so much harder. When you're ready to talk about it, I'm all ears but I don't want to hear it until you're ready." Pulling him into a hug, all the stress and anxiety of moving here melted away.
He kissed the top of my head, "I don't deserve you."
"Yes you do." Smirking up at him, I kissed his cheek, "Now show me my new home."
His eyes sparkled as he looked at me with a look I had never seem before. Shaking his head, he scooped up my hand and lead me up the steps of the porch. He pulled open the door and ushered me in, "Come on in."
Feeling a little shy, I walked in with my head down and cheeks blushing softly. This was a little weird for me. I had never been anywhere without my parents, let alone stay in a house. Really the only houses I had been to were my home, the mansion in Alaska, and our neighboring Alphas. Sleepovers were never something I did, not even at friends' houses.
Josh began to walk around the house, it was bigger than I had thought but not too big. Everything inside the house was expensive and very nice, I was afraid to touch anything. Downstairs there was a kitchen, living room, dinning room, game room, and theater room. On the second floor there were five rooms, each with their own full bathroom. Josh pointed to each room. "That's mine," he pointed to the end of the hall, turning he pointed to a door on the opposite end, "That's my sisters and the one next to her is yours."
"I get my own room?"
He nodded awkwardly, "I thought that would be best."
His cheeks actually blushed for a moment before his cocky smile was back, "Blue balls two nights in a row was enough for me for a little while."
"Blue balls? Is that a television show?" I thought about it and shook my head, "Wait that's Blue Mountain State, my brother watches that all the time."
His mouth dropped open in amazement as his eyes widened, "No...It's...It's....Nothing. It's not important."
Laughing, I moved under his arm, "Are you embarrassed?"
He rolled his eyes, "I don't get embarrassed."
"Correction," I danced to my room, "you didn't used to get embarrassed."
He followed after me, shaking his head. He seemed to be in deep thought about something and curiosity got the better of me.
"What's on your mind?"
"You." His voice was husky and it made me shiver with desire. His sexual appeal had defiantly grown after my blessing.
"That's vague." My voice trembled with his proximity.
"Just thinking, you're more innocent than you lead on."
"Is that bad?" I turned and pushed open the door.
"No. I enjoy it more than I should."
His honesty made my heart flutter and insides clench. "That's good I guess."
He laughed, "What do you think of your room?"
Pulling my attention away from him, I looked over the room. It was average size, the bed was massive, but my favorite part was the little nook filled with pillows. It had a massive bay window that looked out over the water. It was perfect. "Whoa."
"You like it?"
"I love it. It's perfect Josh."
His shoulders visibly relaxed and his anxiety calmed a little, "Good."
Something changed, the energy brightened as I felt someone coming our way. "Who's here?"
He looked at me funny, "It's just us?"
"No. Someone is coming, I feel them."
He stiffened and his eyes grew dazed as he opened a mind link. He relaxed as the door downstairs swung open.
"Bubba!" A girls voice filled the whole house.
His smile brightened and he almost sprinted out of the room. "Bailey!"
I followed behind him at a much slower pace. When I came down stairs they were in a tight embrace. It made me miss Josiah. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to fight them off.
Bailey released Josh and smiled over to me, "You must be Josie?"
"You're Bailey?"
She nodded and smiled at me with a worried look on her face. She was very beautiful, she had dark brown hair like her brother but her skin was darker. Her features were soft and had a tiny button nose with full lips and green eyes but they were darker than Josh's. She was a few inches shorter than me but I could tell she was my age. "Did I offend you?"
"What?" I shook off the overwhelming sadness for my family and shook my head, "No. Just a lot to take in here."
Her smile brightened and she pulled me into a hug, "Understandable. Tomorrow, I'll show you around on your first day. You should have most of your classes with me or Connor."
"What?" I tried to sound more inviting but my heart was hurting.
"For school? Connor is Kyle's younger brother, he will be nineteen next month and is like my best friend."
"Cool." My jaw clenched, I needed a run or a swim. My heart was hurting too much for chitchat. "I'm gonna go for a swim." Forcing a smile, I ran up stairs and pulled on one of my old swimsuits. It was small on me and it never had been before.
As I walked down stairs, I could hear Josh and Bailey talking and I couldn't help but listen.
"She seems stuck up." Bailey whispered.
Josh growled, "That wasn't Josie. I've never seen her like that before, just give her some time Bay. She needs time."
"I know. I was just really wanting to be best friends right away. I want someone to talk boys with and stay up late and have movie nights with. I was just expecting something different I guess."
The room went silent. Feeling a little guilty, I decided I needed to set things right. In my black bikini, I walked the rest of the way down the stairs. They both looked at me. Josh's eyes were dark and lustful as he looked me over, ignoring the desire it forced in me, I looked over to Bailey.
"Sorry about before. Seeing you and Josh made me really miss my brother." My eyes filled with tears but this was what was needed, "I know it's silly but it just brought up a lot of sadness and I couldn't shake it. So after my swim to help me get my head back on straight can we maybe start over? Get to know each other? Josh loves you so much and I've been so excited to meet you."
Her face brightened, "I would love that and I'm sorry about your brother."
Pulling her into a hug, I shrugged and smiled a real smile. "Your brother better be worth it." I joked.
She laughed, "He is."
"I'll be back in like an hour and maybe we can make some food and talk?"
"Perfect!" She was so bubbly and lively it was infectious.
Smiling, I reached up and kissed Josh on the cheek. "Is this okay?"
He nodded, "Do you want company?" His eyes widened in hope.
"Not tonight, I need to work out a few things in my head. It's been a crazy day."
He nodded and face went to stone, "Be safe and stay close please."
"I will."
He awkwardly held himself away from me, making sure not to touch me. "Thank you."
Turning, I moved to the front door and headed down to the small beach. Wading into the water, I stood and looked out over the smooth water. It was peaceful out here. Diving in, I swam out into the depths for about thirty minutes. It was so relaxing and my worries seemed to melt away. Stopping, I floated as I opened up a mind link with Josiah.
You up?
Yes. Are you okay? Are you safe?
I'm safe. Out for a swim. I miss you.
I miss you too. It's so different here without you.
Everything here is so overwhelming. I don't know what to do.
Let your mate comfort you and be there for you. He can help you more than I can.
You'll always be my number one man.
He chuckled in his thoughts. I better be, little sister.
Talk later?
I'll be here.
Letting the connection slip away, my head began to hurt. I never have opened a connection from across the country - it was hard. Swimming back to shore, I was feeling a lot better. There was nothing like a good swim to make life better. As I came to the shore, I spotted Josh sitting on the beach. His knees were curled up to his chest and he was watching me. When I was able to stand, I stopped swimming and walked out of the water watching him a little confused.
He looked almost ashamed, "I know you wanted to be alone but I just had to make sure you were safe. It's hard to let you be on your own."
Glaring sarcastically down at him, I smirked and jumped into his lap, whipping my hair so it wrapped around him - soaking him. Bursting into laughter, I pulled him into a wet hug. "Got you wet."
He looked a little shock with my reaction but slowly joined into my laughter. "You aren't mad?"
"Why would I be mad? You're just watching out for me." I kissed his cheek, "I like that. Plus I really needed a hug."
He pulled me to his chest and buried his face into my wet hair. Desire took over as his hands ran over my bare skin. The sparks that ran through me were intoxicating and overwhelming. Climbing off his lap, I held out my hand to help him up.
He awkwardly cleared his throat, "Give me a minute."
"What's wrong?"
He took a deep breath and scowled at the sand. After a minute he smiled but looked passed me as he stood up, "Nothing. Let's get you out of the wind. I don't want you getting cold."

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