"Oh yeah right of course. It was really good I liked it!"

"I didn't even read you an essay and is there even a teacher here named Mrs. Haggins?" He asks laughing. I blush and shrug.

I take a seat in the front of the class knowing that the class will be empty. Mrs. Truezier is always late so I have a few minuets.

I pull out my phone and I have yet another text from Cameron.

'Big family/friend dinner at my house tonight. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me.'

'I'd lo...'

"Bring me your phone Miss Kline." Shit I didn't think that would see me. I didn't even get to finish typing the message. Uh oh. The period bitch awakens from her slumber as if she hadn't already.

"No." I say snappily. "No? Detention for the next week and I'm also failing you." Oh no. She's done it now.

"YOU CANT FUCKING FAIL ME BECAUSE I TOLD YOU N-" I'm cut off by Mr. Always-walks-in-at-the-right-time.

In walks Cameron with Taylor and some chick that looked like a professional bodyguard like Taylor. "May I have a word with Miss Kline please?" He asks.

The teacher looks at him in awe which causes me to growl at her as I walk out of the room. Cameron follows and shuts the door behind him.

All Mrs. Truezier does is stare at him with lovey dovey eyes through the door window.

"Listen thing happened. My warehouse was set on fire and an ex sub of mine got loose from a hospital. So to protect you I got you a bodyguard that will be with you 24/7" Cameron says checking his watch.


"I'm not going to repeat myself Sarah."

"You know I ran into a woman the other day after work that was saying something like I wasn't better than her and how you left her for me." Oops it came out.

"What'd she look like?"

"Me. Only skinny and hair messed up more."

"Lela. My ex sub. Ana stay with Sarah at all times. You can sleep only when she does. Clear?"

The woman so called Ana nods. Cameron walks out of the door windows space so the teacher couldn't see him. He grabs my hips pulling me to him and he kisses me.

Just as we hear the door open he steps away leaving me there with a pouty face. "Back to class Miss Kline." She waves all googoo eyed at Cameron. "Laters baby." He whispers before walking off.

I go back into the classroom and Ana follows me. "Who's this?" Mrs. Truezier asked. "My bodyguard." I mumble and take my seat.


Cameron brought me to his house for lunch. "So there's going to be another dinner in a few days at my mom and dads." Cameron says taking another bite of his salad. I just pick at my food.

"I don't need a bodyguard."

"I think you do, so you're going to have one."

"Well I don't need one." I say a little more snappily. Apparently this set him off. I don't know if he was having a bad day like I was or what.


I just stare at him for a moment before grabbing my jacket and heading for the elevator. "Stay Ana." I say before walking in and pressing the button to the parking garage.

I sigh and ride the elevator down before calling Chance.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hi, can you come get me?"

"Where are you?"


"Like as in Cameron Dallas or..."

"Yes Cameron Dallas."

"I'll be on my way soon beautiful."

I hang up and slip on my jacket. As I wait I hear the voice I didn't want to. "Sarah..." Cameron said walking up to me.

"We need a break Cameron. A few days maybe more."

"I'm sorry." He whispers and grabs my hand interlacing our fingers. "I still think we need a break and I need to think about signing the contract."

As I go to gently touch his chest he squeezes his eyes shut. I gently place my hand on his chest and watch his reaction.

His eyes are still closed tightly. "Look at me. I whisper and he does. Just then a car honks making me and Cameron jump. I turn around to see Chance.

"I have to go." I pull away from him causing him to pout. I giggle and bite my lip as I get in the car. "What's that about?" Chance asks.

Before I can answer Cameron's tapping on the window. I roll it down and look at him. "Laters baby." He whispers before kissing me. Before I close my eyes and kiss him back I notice his glare at Chance.

"Goodbye Cameron." I whisper against his lips. He pulls away and waves as Chance drives off.

"What the hell? Are you two a thing or something?" I shake my head and the rest of the drive is silent.

50 Shades of Dallas (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now