If life gives you Lemons...

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I had the idea to make 'If life gives you lemons' based on my friends personalities... So... Yeahp.

Bella: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade :3 (She's the most kawaii of the group... :3)

Connor: If life gives you lemons, MAKE A FLIPPING LEMON CLOCK OUT OF THEM (I kid you not, he would say this.)

Tristan: If life gives you lemons, don't give them to your clownfish, they don't react well to the lemon juices (ah our sciency, fish oriented Tristan. He's probably the most random one of the bunch... And did I mention all of his usernames are 'ilikefish13')

Maddie: If life gives you lemons, use them as weapons. (She would. If you handed her a lemon, she would either beat random people with it or squeeze it into their eyes)

Ty: If life gives you lemons, ask for grapes instead. (If you know Ty, you know he would do this... He's Ty. That's what he does)

Lindsey: If life gives you lemons, REFUSE! You don't know where they've been! (Lindsey is probably the most sensible and realistic.... Yeah)

Hannah: If life gives you lemons, squeeze them right back into life's eyes! *not so menacing growl* (ah Hannah... You gotta love her)

Chris: If life gives you lemons, make life eat the first one. (So you don't get poisoned... Get it?)

Me: If life gives you lemons, READ THEM ALL! (Or:) If life gives you lemons, ask if life wants to share.

Well that's all I can think of now so


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