"Why?" I questioned upset that I wasn't completely rid of this place

"You've only been here a few months, we only really ever release people every half a year to a year. You are way to fragile still, you could relapse at any point" I 

dropped my face "We need to take you down to get tagged and then..." 

"TAGGED!" I shouted "No, I refuse to be tagged! I don't need it I'm fine!" I shouted I was angry I didn't want to be tagged it made me feel imprisoned like I couldn't be myself. It would bring back too many memories of before. She got me to calm down before she called security and I did. "We only need to tag you so we can track you if you don't turn up to your weekly meetings" I nodded

"So I can go where ever I want still?" she nodded 

"Yes, as long as you're here on time for your check up's then we will have no need to track you, it's just there as a precaution" I nodded in agreement and apologised for my outburst "Who would you like us to call, to come and collect you?" 

"Ronnie, call Ronnie" I said as she dismissed me from the room to go and get ready and say goodbye to everyone. I ran into my room and packed all of my clothes into the suitcase. I was so excited to see Ronnie and all my friends and to finally go home back to LA. I waited around in reception for what felt like forever until I saw Jacky and Ryan walk in. I was puzzled, where was Ronnie and what were these guy's doing out in Vegas? I ran up to them and hugged them none the less. Jacky wrapped his arms around me "Oooo Deven, you look a hell of a lot better, I'm so happy to see you" I moved on to Ryan and gave him a hug too 

"Where's Ronnie, is he outside?" I questioned looking over Ryan's shoulder as I came out of the hug. They both looked at each other and Ryan spoke first  "No he's not here, he's busy in the studio" I was upset that Ronnie wasn't the one to come and get me. I thought he couldn't wait to bring me home. Then again I hadn't seen him in 3 weeks, he hadn't called or anything, I just presumed he was back in LA recording. That brought me onto my next question "So why are you two out here?" I asked confused still by their presence "Well we decided seeing as you were here to record the album in Vegas" Jacky said as he smiled down at me 

"So you've all been in Vegas, since I've been in here?" Ryan nodded and I rolled my eyes before walking over to the reception desk to sign my consent forms before Jacky and Ryan followed me and the nurse down to where I could get my tag fitted. I walked in and sat down as a guy asked to see my form. The nurse handed it to him and then handed me a card with my check up date on it. She left us and the guy went over to get my tag. He briefed me on how it worked etc, etc before he placed it around my ankle, Jacky was looking at me confused before Ryan butted in "Hold on a second.. why does she need that on?" I looked to Ryan widening my eyes 

"I'll explain later Ry" I said before I stood up feeling that same feeling I had before the annoying fidgety one where I just wanted to kick my legs about to get this stupid thing off. I thanked the guy and went back up to the reception area where I grabbed my bags and headed outside to where Ryan had parked his car. 

I got into the passenger side next to Ryan and he looked down at my ankle asking for an explanation. I explained to him what the nurse had said about me only being in there for a short time and how I might relapse. They both nodded and then Ryan started the car "So do you want the good news or bad news first?" I looked at Ryan 

"Well... the bad news I guess?" I questioned him unsure about what he was going to say

"Your boss back in England called, the other month and asked why you weren't in, we had to explain that you were in rehab and she was shocked" I gasped knowing now that I had probably ruined it for a second time. My boss didn't like giving second chances and I was guessing my time was up now with her. "What did she say?"

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)Where stories live. Discover now