People Judge

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**Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind**~Unknown

All your life, people are going to judge you. Almost every single person you see will assume something about you without ever talking to you. Almost every person will take one look at you and try to put you in a category. The category can either be positive, like having great hair, or it can be negative, like a big nose. (These are just examples I'm not trying to offend anyone) They try to categorize you without ever meeting you. They categorize you based off of how you look, dress, or act. They don't say one word to you and think they have you all figured out.

People will also judge you. They will make assumptions about you. They will have something to say to you, they may think it and not say it but they have it. They can also either be positive or negative. Judgements are usually negative though. Some people will look at you and have one or more thoughts about what is wrong with you or what you need to do differently. They don't stop to talk to you or consider things from your point of view. They look at you and judge.

Google says the word 'judge' means to form an opinion or conclusion about something. To judge is to also assume something based off of what they see. But, they can't see inside of you. They can't see what your personality is, how you really feel, or why you act a certain way. They don't know anything about you and they make an opinion about you. They take everything they see, everything on the outside, and have one thought about who you are.

The sad thing is, people are going to do that your entire life. It's almost like an instinct to categorize someone based off of what you see. But with practice, you can go deeper and find out more about that person. Who knows, they might need your help. You can't change how someone thinks. They have their own thoughts and experiences. We all have something to say that's different from everyone else. That is not going to change.

You can't change how people think, but you can change how you think. When you see some, don't judge them. Think about what kind of story their life would tell. Think about how they might of done things you wish you could do. Think positive about them. Get to know them before you make opinions, but make sure those opinions have some sort of proof. If you don't want people judging you, don't judge them. I know I know, that's like the golden rule you learn in elementary school that's super cliche and cheesy. But it means more than treat people differently. I think it's saying that if you want things so change on how people look at you, you change first. Don't change your style or personality, no, I mean change how you react. They may judge you because you let them, so stand up for yourself. They may judge you because it gets you worked up, still stand up for yourself or leave them alone. If they see that it's not affecting you then they'll most likely stop.

The main reason they'll judge you is because you are different. You are not like them, you are someone else. And to certain people, they don't like that. Certain people may think that everyone should be like them because they're perfect. News flash, nobody is perfect. But being yourself, now that's being uniquely perfect. Why would you want to act like them? You are not them so why try? Why try to be someone you are not? Because you were specifically made to look they way you look and act the way you act. You were specifically made to be you! Why would you want to ruin that by not being you? You are different from everyone else. Embrace it! Embrace your uniqueness! Because a world where everyone acts the same, wears the same thing, and talks the same is a boring world. So bring something new to the world. Bring yourself!

The pastor at my friends youth group, Pastor David McNeil, once told us, "Every face has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God." And that spoke to me on a whole different level. It mean that each and every one of you have a different story to tell. Each and every one of you matters. It doesn't matter how you act or how you look. What matters is that you know you are beautiful and you believe in yourself. What matters is YOU! You matter. You are important. Don't ever forget that.

You can't change the way other people think, but you can change how you think. Try to get in the habit of not judging or critiquing someone you don't know. Try to think of something good instead. Because you don't know that person. You don't know what they've been through. They have a whole new story to tell to you if you get to know them. They could know things you don't. They could need you or you could need them. You could experience something new. Or, you could judge them, put them down and make them feel bad, or worse. It's a pretty easy option to me. On the one hand, you could make them feel meaningful, or you could make them feel like trash. Before you pick one though, think. Think about how if you were in their shoes, which I'm guessing most of you have been, what would you want to hear. Because one simple word could change their whole day. Make that a good change.

Now, when you're being judged, that's a whole different approach. If you are confronted by a total stranger and told something negative, don't listen to them. They don't know you. But also be yourself, too. If you're sarcastic make a sarcastic remark back, without being super rude. Or just go on your way pretending you didn't hear them. Don't let it get inside of you. Because chances are, they're just having a bad day and need to take some anger out. Or they thought it would help them feel better. Don't listen to them. Listen to yourself. If you're told your favorite top is ugly, don't stop wearing it. If you're told that your favorite movie is awful, don't stop watching it. Or whatever else. Because if it matters to you, then keep it. It's not their property, it's yours and you can do what you want with it. It's not fact, it's their opinion and it doesn't matter as much as yours. YOUR opinions matter. Not theirs. So move along and keep being you!

Bullying. Just by saying that you've probably thought of someone you know or a time you have been bullied. Because bullying is a strong word. It can mean different things to everyone. And I know exactly you've probably heard this a billion times before but bullying is wrong. Making someone feel bad about themselves so you feel better is wrong. Now that's just my opinion, but I'm hoping some of you guys agree. But hello people being bullied, yes you, you are not alone. You can get help. Or you can stand up for yourself. I know you can. Stand up for who you are, your likes, dislikes, looks, feelings, personality, friends, family and everything about you. Because they all make you, you. Look at whoever is bullying you directly, stand tall, and speak your mind. Don't become the bully, don't start bullying them that's it what I mean by speak your mind. I mean, you need to stick up for yourself. Because it's who you are and whoever that is is confident. Tell them that you will not be treated this way or deal with it anymore. Tell them that you are a human being along with everyone else and you have limits. You can't do everything and it's not your fault you can't reach the bully's idea of a perfect person. But you are human and you will not be treated like dirt.

And you shouldn't. Everyone of you reading this is so beautiful. I've never even met most of you or know who you are but you are so beautiful. You all have something inside of you. Be it a story, sparkles, imagination, creativity, humor, intelligence, compassion, or anything else. You all deserve to let the real you shine. Because you are beautiful. And yes, some people will look at you and judge you, so give them something to look at. Let them see the real you! Because you are a confident, beautiful person!

**A whole ocean can't sink a boat unless it gets inside of it. Just like a sea of people can't get you down unless you let it get inside of you** ~Unknown
Sorry it's a a little later than the others I've got family here.
Anyway, hope you like it. Please comment, share, and vote. If you just want to talk privately send me a message. I want to know what you guys think!
I won't bore you guys by talking so I'll try to post the next part soon.
Btw... YOU ARE C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. That's you your CONFIDENT
(Sorry had to)

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