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Hello people of Wattpad. I am Jaeden Wells. I want to help you see your true potential.

I have been where you are. I have doubted myself so many times I've lost count. I have made so many mistakes. I have made cried because of what others have said about me. I have cried over what I thought of myself. That's the worst feeling. To be disappointed in yourself. Well, one day, I wanted to change that. I wanted to be proud of myself and who I am. I wanted to be confident. I wanted to be my true self whenever, wherever, and with whoever. So that's what I started to do.

Every time I looked in a mirror, I told myself how beautiful I was. I walked around with my head held high. I spoke my mind. I dressed for myself. And let me tell you a secret... it HAS changed me. I've grown stronger both mentally and physically. I did things for myself, not for what others wanted. When I'm down, I tell myself that I am not alone.

And it's true. I am not alone. There are so many others like me who doubt the,selves and tear themselves down. One of my closest friends, for example, puts themselves down so much that it breaks my heart because I know how awesome she is. And it hit me that a lot of people don't see that either.

That's where this little story comes in. Even though I've probably never met you, seen you, or know your name I want to help you. I don't want to see people who are amazing, which everyone is, feel useless and depressed. I want you to see how amazing you are.

But it's not easy. I can't just tell you are are perfect and BAM you see that yourself. I wish it was. I know you are perfect just the way you are. Others know that too. But it all comes down to you. YOU have to know how amazing you are. I can tell you how beautiful, strong, perfect, awesome and great you are, but if you don't think so then it does nothing. You have to know it. It all comes down to you.

So... Are you ready to start?

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