"You should consider closing your mouth before I bust it shut for you"

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"He seemed nice as well. For god's sake, Megan. The only friend you get and you push him away" she teases and I just roll my eyes.

I won't argue with her about having no friends. I think she realises that I prefer her company to anyone else.

"Megan" she says after a few moments silence.


"How would you feel if I got a boyfriend?" she asks.

My mood instantly changes and I can barely even bring myself to look at her. I just stare at the TV and grind my teeth.

"Megan?" she asks.

"I dunno" I shrug.

The idea sickens me to be perfectly honest. Call me cold hearted or whatever but I hate the idea of my Mum even thinking about a relationship. It would mess up everything that we have.

She says that I make her happy so why would she need a boyfriend in her life? I mean, I get that she needs some man in her life or whatever but I've just always planned her finding someone when I've moved out. Call me selfish, I don't care.

"Well would you like it? Hate it?"

"Yeah, I'd hate it" I nod. "It's always been me and you, of course I wouldn't like it"

"Well it's not like I'd pay less attention to you, Megs" she frowns.

"I don't need attention, Mum" I shake my head. "I'm fine with having no mates because I have you. I thought this was a mutual thing"

"Yeah, I know-"

"Then why are we having this discussion? You don't have a boyfriend so this conversation is irrelevant" I snap. She stares at me for a moment before sighing and nodding.

"Guess you're right"

Great, I feel bad now. It's just such a touchy topic for me. I absolutely hate the idea of my Mum finding someone new to spend her time with. I mean, yeah, she goes out with her mates sometimes but having a boyfriend is completely different.

He'll take her out shopping rather than her taking me out, he'll spend so much time with her that me and her will grow apart. Next thing you know, he'll be moving in and she'll be preggers. And I do not fancy sharing a room with the baby.

What if she picks the wrong guy anyway? He could treat her like crap and I've seen so many films where the guy is nasty to his girlfriend and she just deals with it. I couldn't watch my Mum go through that. What if I don't get along with him? My Mum will be so googly-eyed about him that she won't even notice or care that we don't get along.

Ugh, I've killed the mood now.

Say something funny or sarcastic, Megan.

"Maybe when I'm off to University you can start trying to commit to something" I wink, making her groan.

"Don't even start with University talk. Having you away from here is going to be horrible"

"Well maybe I might get famous and won't ever have to leave the house, who knows?" I joke. I have no special talent to get me famous so my mother and I definitely know that the whole 'famous' plan is a huge joke.

"Yeah, the snobby people at school will be sorry they didn't relate to you then" she tuts, making me roll my head back in laughter. "Anyway, this chat has been lovely and everything but you're literally going to be dropping off in Mrs Reid's class again tomorrow, so I think it's time for bed"

"I freaking hate her" I growl, standing up from my place on the sofa.

"Don't we all" Mum rolls her eyes.

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