Chapter 30

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Jay raced into the kitchen grabbing towels from the counter top, Al was now sitting up blood pouring from his shoulder, "Adam!" Al yelled snatching the towel from Jay and putting pressure on his arm, "go to Adam, I don't know where he's hit"

"Sarge, you need to get the paramedics in here now, Ruzek's pretty bad, Al's hit too" he yelled over the radio, he knelt beside Adam, he removed his vest "boss, it went through his vest"

Hank slammed his hands down on the hood of the patrol car, he saw Bob Ruzek approaching him, "Bob, slow down" he knew he must have heard it over the radio.

"My son, let me go see him" Bob yelled trying to push his way past Hank, "I swear Voight if you don't move out of my way I will kick your ass" his face red, spittle forming in the corner of his mouth, "please, let me see my boy"

Hank pushed him back towards the patrol car, "SWAT is making sure the house is clear, once I get the all clear you and the paramedics can go in" he hated it, he could tell from the tone of Jay's voice it was bad.

"Al, are you okay?" Jay asked, he was holding the towel to Adam's gut desperately trying to slow down the bleeding.

"Shit, I'm fine. It's Adam I'm worried about" Al said, his shoulder burning, "it was armor piercing, wasn't it?"

Jay nodded, "yeah"

Al hung his head, "how bad is it?"

Adam was trying to open his eyes, the pain in his stomach unbearable he could feel an intense amount of pressure, "what....happened" his voice weak, his breathing shallow each word a struggle.

Al scooted over beside Adam, "don't try to talk Adam, just be still" he didn't like the color of Adam's skin, he was dripping with sweat, "where the hell are the fucking paramedics?"

"Voight, it's all clear" the SWAT team leader announced over the radio.

Hank whistled, "get your asses inside!" He yelled to the paramedics gathered around the ambulances "move it, I've got two officers down!"

Sean Roman came from the front of the property, "Boss, tell me I'm hearing things and that Ruzek wasn't shot?"

"Him and Al, I gotta get inside" Hank said as he and Bob took off running.

"You're up early" Kim said to Kevin as she waited for Harper's bottle to warm, "you look a million miles away" she told him, his gaze transfixed on the window.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kevin asked her, his mind in Chicago he had spoken with Hank and knew they would be moving in on Scampanelli, he was just waiting for the call that everything went well and the son of a bitch was in custody or dead.

"Nothing really, you just looked like you where somewhere else" she sat and fed Harper, "I know I shouldn't put you on the spot but have you heard anything at all? It's beautiful here, but I miss my husband. Kevin, I just need to know he's okay"

Kevin stood up and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge, "I haven't heard from anyone" he hoped she bought it, he didn't need her worrying he was doing enough of that for the both of them.

"Where's my boy?" Bob said as he stepped inside, "Adam?"

Jay waved them over, "over here, the paramedics are working on him and Al" Hank handed Jay a towel to clean the blood of his hands.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Hank asked, as he watched Bob hovering over Adam.

Jay through his hands in the air, "I'm not sure, I heard shots. I turned around and took the two guys out, I didn't know they had shot Adam and Al" he wiped his brow, "Enzo stepped out into the hallway, and I called his name. He turned around and I shot him, Hank, he's dead"

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