Chapter 9

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Adam drove to Jay's he didn't want to go back to his dad's just yet and he needed to apologize to Jay for his behavior.

"Come on in Adam" Jay said as he opened the door "how are you feeling this morning?"

"Like shit and not because of the hang over, Kim asked me to leave" he told him, "I fucked up"

They sat down at the table, "you want something to eat?" Jay asked already having made himself a sandwich.

"No, I'm not hungry" the last thing he wanted to do was eat, his stomach a mess.

"This all about her brother?"

Adam nodded, "yea, am I wrong on this one Jay?"

Jay finished chewing "I don't know, I think I would feel the same way if it was Erin. Though Erin said she understood where Kim was coming from, you know it being family and all. It's a tough one for sure"

"I'm sorry, I was such an ass last night" he told him, "I feel like I'm in quicksand Jay, the harder I try to get out, the deeper it sucks me in"

Jay looked at him puzzled, "something else going on?"

"My mother showed up last night, spoke with Kim. She wants me to call her, I don't know if I will"

"It's none of my business, but I would give anything to hear my mom's voice again. You should call her, give her a chance, you know" it had been three years since his mother died.

"I don't know, I need to figure out my marriage before I deal with my mother"

"Why don't you talk to Phil, let him know how you feel. Who knows maybe it will help"

Adam stood up, "I gotta go, again I'm sorry for last night"

"No worries Adam"

Phil was surprised to hear a knock on the door, he wasn't expecting Kim until later in the afternoon, he checked the peephole.

He opened the door, "Adam, I'm surprised to see you here" he motioned for Adam to come in.

Adam noticed the bruise, "I'm sorry about that" he pointed at Phil's cheek "I shouldn't of hit you"

"It's nothing, looks worse than it feels. I know this isn't a social call, what's up?"

Adam sat in the desk chair, a picture of his family framed on the desk it was taken just at Anthony's adoption party "this was a great day" he said as he held the frame in his hands.

"I love my sister Adam, I'm sorry about everything" he sat on the bed "I wish I could take it all back, but we both know I can't do that" he turned to Adam "what can I do to prove to you, that I won't let anything happen to Kim or Anthony, I love them both Adam they're all I have left" he knew it would be a cold day in hell when Katherine let him see the kids.

Adam put the frame back on the desk, "you have to understand the position I'm in, Phil" he knew he was close to losing control of his emotions "Kim and Anthony are my world, when Scampanelli had Kim, I was terrified. Somehow, he's beaten the charges and he's still roaming the streets. He's looking for you Phil, he will find you and what if Kim and Anthony are with you?"

Phil didn't have an answer for him "I don't know Adam, I don't know what to tell you" he folded his arms "guess we are at an impasse?"

Adam stood, "I guess so" he started to leave "you better not hurt my wife and son, Phil"

Kim hated how quiet the house was with out Adam, Anthony seemed to hate it as well. He was unusually fussy, "what's wrong buddy?" he climbed up in her lap "I miss daddy too, Anthony" she rubbed his back.

She was beginning to wonder if telling Adam to leave was the right thing to do,she turned the television on hoping to find something to occupy Anthony for a little while.

She settled on a show, it having caught his attention. "Mommy will be in the kitchen, I'm gonna call daddy" it had barely been a day and it was killing her.

She started to dial his number when she heard Anthony scream.

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