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angie dropped me off at my house after the mall, i got inside and i ran to the kitchen. my mother was sitting there reading through magazines.

"mom is dad home yet?"

"um no not yet.....why?"

"oh well i just wanted to ask you a big favor....."

"go ahead ask away."

"well tomorrow night there is a party at this boys house, and he invited me and angie. so after school i'm going to angies house to do makeup and hair and then were going to the party together. but i need you to cover and tell dad that i'm just sleeping over angies."

"alright that's fine, go have fun. but you know my rule with drinking so just be careful," i nodded and squeezed my mom in a big hug. i ran upstairs and jumped into my bed before falling into a deep sleep.


i was so happy it was finally friday, the school day went by like a breeze which i was thankful for. i followed angie to her car and got in, we drove to her house.

when we got to her house we walked up to her room and started to get ready, we wanted to change into our dresses so we don't ruin our makeup or hair. i walked into her bathroom and slipped the black dress over my body, my strapless bra stuck to my body tightly along with the rest of the dress. i walked out of the bathroom becoming more comfortable in the dress.

i sat beside angie on the floor and faced a mirror, i took the makeup i brought from my house out of my bag and scattered around my area. i did my eyeliner, mascara, and put a nude lipstick on.

i took the straightener from angie and began to straighten my hair. when i was done i took my black pumps from her closet from last time we went to a party, i slipped those on my feet and walked towards her tall mirror so i can observe my look for the night, me being five'two i'm pretty short but these heels gave me an extra two inches, angie came up from behind me.

"you look beautiful steph."

"you too," she grabbed her phone and her keys to the car.

"you ready?"

"yep," i grabbed my phone and placed my bag from school in the corner of her room. i followed her downstairs carefully not falling from my heels. we get into the car and began driving down the street.

we finally arrived seeing the cars surrounding the streets and the neighborhood. we got out of the car and began walking up the pathway into the party.

we received a few stares and winks but when we finally got inside there were people everywhere, alcohol being passed all over, and music blasting in my ears. as we got through the sweating body's we were greeted by brandon.

"well hello lady's, looking gorgeous as always!"

"thank you brandon."

"hey um angie you wanna dance?"


"wait brandon, have you seen matt?"

"uh yeah he is in here somewhere, i think i saw him with jack and kyle," i nodded and watched angie be swiped into the crowd.

i began walking around the party when i found matt, his back was facing me but jack and kyle were facing towards me. i saw jack lift his head from his cup and examined me, he bumped kyles shoulder and kyle stood there with admiration. kyle punched matt which caused him to flinch, i heard him yell 'what the fuck was that for?' kyle nodded his head towards me.

matt turned around and his jaw dropped. i walked towards matt and he turned his entire body and put his cup on the table beside him. when i got up to him he wrapped his arms around my waist examining my body.

"you l-look goreg-gous," he started to stutter.

"thank you handsome," he kissed me hard making me lean back a tad. kyle coughed causing matt to let go. we stood up in silence.

"can i borrow matt for a minute boys?" they nodded there heads and walked away. i held onto matts hand and brought him over to the bar so i can get a drink.

we walked over to the dance floor, my back was facing him and i began grinding on his body. he began to moan and i felt him get hard, he held my waist and started to grind along with me.

"i gotta go pee be right back," he nodded i kissed his cheek quickly, i began to run down the hallway up the stairs and towards the back where i found the bathroom. i went inside and found a couple making out, they looked up and ran out.

i quickly did my business and ran out, i was running down the hallway to get back down the stairs when someone pushed me up into a bedroom. the person held onto my shoulders as i landed on a bed, i slowly opened my eyes to reveal austin.

he looked drunk as ever, and trust me when he's drunk....he is surely aggressive. he started to stroke my cheek and i can smell the aroma of alcohol on his breath.

"your so beautiful," he slurred. he trailed his eyes down my dress and started to take his hand and make its way up my dress. i quickly reacted and slapped his hand away, he looked at me with angry eyes and held onto me. i wanted to scream but i only knew that would make it worse.

"it's not like i haven't seen you naked before stephanie," he began to smirk at me and it was making me uncomfortable, yes austin did take my virginity but it was my choice and back then i don't really regret it.

he looked down at me with hateful eyes and determine. why couldn't he just hookup with his slut mandie?

"i cant wait to graduate high school, then be able to control you the rest of your life. no matter where you go i'll be everywhere."

"austin please let me go."

"no, i wont let you go till i want to," i wasn't worried about him hurting me or anything because i knew him enough that he would never hurt me physically, i mean if he would he would've already beaten the crap out of me.

define love; matthew espinosaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt