13: Mess

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"And where am I gonna sit?" I asked seeing that all the seats were taken as Jake smiled and patted his lap. "You sure?" I asked "Yeah, it's no big deal." He answered as I hesitated, but then sat down. I tried to move as little as possible, but it was really hard not moving. After I moved a bit to get more comfy, I felt a pair of hands on my waist. "Stop moving, god damn." Jake said under his breath as my eyes widened. I just sat there when he put me off of his lap and grabbed a red tray and put it over his pants and ran out.

"What did you do?" Kyle asked "I don't know." I answered as Bailey, Eilidh, Kyle and Jenn laughed. After breakfast, we hade English. I stepped into the classroom seeing Mr Hood. "What is he doing here? I thought Mr Styles was the English teacher." Kyle asked me "I think I know." I answered siting down in my seat, infront of Kyle, behind Jenn, left to Eilidh and right to Bailey. "Well? Tell me." Kyle said "NO TALKING!" Mr Hood said as I turned around and mouthed "sorry." .

Mr Hood brought out a dry erase whiteboard and took the pen and wrote the word "MESS" on the board. "Does anyone know why I wrote the word mess on the table?" Mr Hood asked as I looked down at my feet. "Anyone? Eilidh? Jake? Jaelynn?" Mr Hood asked and then looked at me "Marlena?" He asked making eye contact as I stayed quite. "Ok, no one knows, the reason behind this is this." Mr Hood said and erased the "SS". "You can not spell Mess without Me. Can anyone tell me why?" He asked "Marlena?" He asked.

"Because everyone has there own problem and everyone is a mess?" I asked "Close. Try again." Mr Hood said looking into my eyes as I sighed "Because the only way someone can be a mess is without someone, there is no you in mess, but there is me, therefor without "you" I am a mess?" I asked trying again "Correct." Mr Hood said "You have to write a more than 100 word essay. A fanfiction with poetry in it." Mr Hood said as I raised my hand "Where is Mr Styles?" I asked "Mr Styles is on a vacation with Mr Tomlinson." Mr Hood said as all the larry shippers yelled "LARRY AF!" as Mr Hood laughed. Jenn raised her hand "Yes, Jenn?" Mr Hood asked "Will you be filling in for Mr Tomlinson aswell?" Jenn asked "No, Mr Irwin will be filling in for him." Mr Hood answered as I smiled.


"What should I do?" Eilidh asked as I looked up at the ceiling. "Marlena!" Eilidh yelled "What?" I asked "Will you help me, please?" Eilidh asked "I would, but I can't." I said as my phone buzzed. I looked over and saw a text from Kyle.

From: Kyle

Me and Jake are going out to a party, wanna come? And invite your friends.

To: Kyle

Sure, I'll tell them. Party to dress like a slut or a cool chick?

From: Kyle

Slut ;)

To: Kyle

*Insert rolling eyes emoji* you dirty minded little kinky fuck

From: Kyle

That's me! :) Come to our room when you girls are done. Btw, you don't have to dress like a slut, I just wanted to mess with you

To: Kyle

Fuck you

"Get dressed." I said "Why?" EIlidh asked "Party." I answered as Eilidh went to tell Bailey and Jenn. We got dressed and went over to Jake and Kyle's room as Kyle came out of the bathroom, only a towel on him while his eyes widened. "Fuck." He said and ran back into the bathroom as me and the girls laughed. "Hi." Jake said already dressed. "Hi." I said "Sorry about what happened at breakfast." I added "It's fine, it's nothing jacking off can't fix." Jake said as I chuckled and Kyle came out of the bathroom, dressed this time. "Btw, nice booty." Eilidh told Kyle as he "flipped" his hair.

We went to the party as Kyle and Jake dragged all 4 of us to where Dan and Jai where, Dan and Jai are Kyle and Jake's friends. "Hey, wanna get high again?" Dan asked as Jake and Kyle nodded "Any of these pretty girls want to get high?" Jai asked as we all blushed. "No, thanks, I'm weird already." Eilidh said as I chuckled "I'm good." Jenn said "Me too." Bailey said "Marlena?" Jake asked as I shuck my head.

I looked over to the bar and looked back at all of them. "I'm gonna get us some drinks." I said as I walked over to the bar as the bar attender turned around as his brown eyes stared into mine. "Marlena, what are you doing here?" He asked walking out from behind the counter. "what do you mean, what am I doing here? I'm having fun." I answered "You don't understand, it's dangerous here. A small innocent little girl like you could get raped or something." Calum said "Calum, I'm not a baby, I can look out for myself." I said walking away.

"Where are the drinks?!" Eilidh "I changed my mind." I said "Jake?" I asked "Yeeeeaaahh?" He asked "Is it too late to take that offer of getting high with all you?" I asked as he laughed "Come here." He said.

(A/N: The girls' outfits on the top. Jen, Marlena, Bailey and then Eilidh's outfit)

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