12: New students

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"MARLENA!" Bailey yelled running to the table. "What?" I asked eating my breakfast. "New students, 2 of them, they're boys, they're so cute, they're step-brothers." Bailey said as I smiled, thinking it'd be the two dudes I meet thru Instagram, but it's probably not them. "Why aren't you excited? Oh, right, teacher boyfriend." Bailey said laughing "He's not my boyfriend." I said sadly. "So, why aren't you reacting to the hole guys thing, the new students!" Bailey said "I just don't want to think about guys right now." I said "Why not? Are you gay?" Bailey asked "No, I still like dicks." I said chuckling.

"Have you heard about the new stu-" Eilidh said "Yes, we have." I cut her off "And? Aren't you curious?" Eilidh asked "Not really." I answered as the front door opened. "That's them?!" Eilidh asked "Yup." Bailey said "Marlena, you HAVE TO see them." Eilidh said "No, I'm fine." I said as Baiey turned me around, making me look at the two dudes. "Holy fuck." I said "I know, they're hot." Bailey said "Not that, that's Jake. And Kyle." I said "Who?" Bailey asked as I shuck my head.

"@http.fuckboys.inc on Instagram, I'm obsessed with them." I said as I walked to them "I know this is weird, but um, can I ask if you two are @http.fuckboys.inc on Instagram by any chance?" I asked "Yeah, that's us. Why?" Jake asked "I don't know, I just stalk your account and I should not have said stalk." I said "It's fine, what's your username?" Kyle asked "@5sosftedits ." I answered "Oh, the girl who keeps switching lanes!" Jake said as I chuckled. "Yeah, that's me." I said.



"Hi, as some of you know, we have 2 new students, Jake and Kyle. First, I thought you could get to know the other students, I mean, one class of PE missed won't hurt you." Mr Hood said "Would you like to tell something about you?" Mr Hood asked them "We're step-brothers, um, Jake is one year older and um, we have a fan account on Instagram that's kinda popular, but not that much." Kyle said and then looked at me. "What? Do you two know each other?" Mr Hood asked "I follow them on Instagram." I answered "oh." Mr Hood said crossing his arms and nodding.

" Anyway, Jake, what about you?" Mr Hood "Um, you're my fave, I have a 9 year old brother, Lennox and yeah, that's it." Jake said as Eilidh raised her hand "Yes?" Mr Hood asked "Are you two single?" EIidh asked Jake and Kyle. "EILIDH!" I yelled "Marlena, it's fine." Kyle said "And yes, we are both very single." Jake said as Eilidh smiled and looked at me as I showed her my middle finger and she gasped while I laughed.


"You have your own room, just the two of you?" I asked them looking around "Yeah." Jake said "Lucky, I have to share with 5 girls." I said "I wouldn't mind that." Jake said as I rolled my eyes. "You're such a fuckboy." I said "It's in the name, mate." Jake said "Don't call me mate." I said "Why not?" He asked "Because I said so." I said as he chuckled. "Where's Kyle?" I asked "Getting bored with me already?" Jake asked "No, I was just asking." I said "He's in the bathroom, he'll be out in a second." Jake said as I nodded.

"Anyway, can I come over to your room now?" He asked as I nodded. "Sure." I said as we walked to my room. He opened the door as he saw Eilidh and Bailey laughing with a phone in Eilidh's hands. "Prank calls." I explained to him. "Your room is more interesting." He said "I'll come over and bring the interestingness, if you want." I said as he nodded.


Calum's POV

"Jake seems nice." Luke said "No, he doesn't." I said "Why not? Because he's hanging out with Marlena? Aren't you panning on breaking up with her anyways?" Luke asked "Yeah, but, forget about it." I said walking out and taking a cigarette  out, starting to smoke it. "Hey mate. Pass me one?" Zayn asked as I nodded, giving him one. "Thanks." Zayn said "So, what's with you?" He asked "Jake." I answered as Zayn nodded, lighting his cigarette.

"So, why is he your problem?" Zayn asked "He's hanging out with Marlena." I answered "Someone's jealous." Zayn said "No shit, Sherlock." I said looking down "Hey, it's gonna be fine, don't you think me and Perrie were always all good?" Zayn asked "But you seem like the perfect couple." I said "Well, every couple has it's ups and downs." Zayn said and then left me alone. He was right.

A/N: I'm serious, JAKE IS MINE

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