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- Rémy.

"Oh my god, what time is it?" Lorenzo groaned rolling over in my bed. "Uh...eight. " I yawned looking at the pink clock on my nightstand. "Dammit! I gotta go. Listen, I had a really good time last night but—"

"Wifey calls?" I flashed a devilish smirk to myself without removing my eyes from my phone. "Wait, you knew I was married this whole time?" He jumped to his feet in a surprise way. "Rémy knows a married man when she sees one." I waved him off, exhausted with his company. "And you slept with me anyways? You've got to be fuckin' kidding. What kind of person are you?"

I stood to my feet and made my way to the bathroom, stopping in my door frame. I sighed "Look Mr. Pipers, I just look for a good time and you definitely met my standards but don't go blaming me for your cheating ass actions. You can let yourself out, and tell wifey Rémy says hi." I winked at him slammed the door shut. "You're a sick twisted hoe!" He yelled through the door. I could still hear him scrambling around for his clothes.

"And you're not? Anyways like I said, you can get out." With that being said, I heard my front door slam a few moments later. "What a dumb ass. I could never be in his wife's shoes." I mumbled to myself as I turned on the shower.

I did my usual morning hygiene and got dressed. I wore an all white body suit with white jeans, nude red bottoms, and a nude cardigan. I applied my brown lipstick, my gold Rolex, and grabbed my purse and keys.

I double checked to make sure my door was all locked up, and hopped in my new truck. And before you ask— I don't get all my coins from bartending. The Bentley? She was a beauty for real! I got paid cash money just to keep my mouth shut. These ballers will do anything to keep their dirt away from their wives.

A few minutes later I arrived at my mother's house.

"Hey mom." I announced walking into her kitchen. "Rémy, how you doing?" She smiled pulling me in for a hug. "I'm alright, just stopping by." I loved my mom so much. She's like my best friend I can tell her anything... except my extracurricular activities. "How's school?" She smiled her familiar smile as she prepped some collard green. "It's good, I graduate with my masters soon."

Now my mom, Marisol, isn't my real mother. She was my foster mom and she's always been here for me and my brother so I like to check on her from time to time. "Well that's great, I can't wait to hear all about it. Have you spoke to your brother?" She sounded concerned for him. "Actually I was on my way to stop by his house. Don't worry about him, you know the little one keeps him busy."

"Oh well it was nice of you to stop by baby, tell your brother and my grandbaby I said hello." She dried her hand on a paper towel before giving me a hug.

"I will. Bye mom." I kissed her cheek and left, heading to my brother's house. He didn't live far from mom so I arrived pretty quickly. We like to stay close.

"Chuchi!" I yelled calling him by his nickname. His name echoed through the house as I shut the front door. "Rém! I missed you big head, where you been?" He smiled with excitement as he emerged from the living room.

"Working and going to school. How are you and my little Madison?" I asked referring to his 1 year old daughter bunched up in his arms. "We're good. Your niece is a handful though." He laughed ticking her a little. Her cheeks turned pink as she hid her face against his chest. "Aww, how's her mom?" I watched as his facial expression painfully shifted. "She's coming along, she's been clean for a few months now and comes to visit here or there."

"Good good, I'm proud of her." I tried to lighten the mood a little with encouraging words. "Yeah me too, but what brings you by?" He handed me Maddy and went to get her some of her baby cereal from the kitchen as I followed closely behind. "Oh nothing I just missed you two, that's all." I cooed at Madison, making her giggle a bit. Chuchi rolled his eyes and gave me his usual you're-full-of-shit face. "You miss me and you need a brotherly talk."

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