Jasmine's POV

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Here is another update in my story..... it's just part one okay i'm not yet finish with the other part!!! >_<

Hope you like it !!!!!


It has been more than one week after our first diner and I could still feel his lips against mine. Argh…. It’s like all my barriers were melting down and that’s because of that guy. Aish…

To add up, my two chingu always bugged me about that diner and whenever I remembered that aigoo… aigoo… my face was completely scarlet and my heart beats abnormally faster than usual, but sometimes when they open up that topic and I couldn’t tell them they would laugh at me and I could feel there was something fishy about their behavior as if they knew things and just wanted to confirm it right from my mouth Argh….

Anyway, this past days Jung-Su always invite me to anywhere, even though I didn’t want my two chingu always push me and I ended with Jung-Su’s company and I really feel embarrassed, but he knows what to do, to make me laugh or to have fun with him, it’s like our friendship goes deeper in each day we were together.

Last night my two chingu talked to me…

“Chingu… Jas” Ash called me

“Yeh?” I said

“Ash and I, have to go back to Korea.” Jess started

“You know, for business purposes so we will be leaving tomorrow” Ash added concern evident in her face.

“But we only have two days more for this vacation? Sure you can stay?” I begged them.

“Aniyo, we can’t it is really urgent matter, sorry chingu…” Jess said apologetic…

“We know this vacation is very important to you, so we wanted you to enjoy this for the last two days, if ever you two can continue your story back in Korea.” Ash said to me as they both went to their rooms to pack, leaving me taken aback with what they had told me.

So this morning, I woke up late and as I get up trying to focus myself, a note fell to the ground and I picked it up.

Dear Chingu Jas,

            We didn’t want to bother you anymore so we didn’t wake you up when we were about to go. Biane Chingu!!! Anyway, we already know what really happened at your diner with Jung-Su-ssi, Mianhamnida…., don’t get mad arasso? We were just very happy about it, Biane for teasing you so much, we know it was your first time, so it’s special :P.

            We also knew that you like Jung-Su-ssi, its obvious Chingu, don’t hide it, let him know, okay?!! It is for the better and we would like to see the both of you back in Korea, holding hands and happy. Also we wanted to see his two friends too, Hong-Ki-ssi and Joong-Ki-ssi hihihi…. So this is goodbye then, take care of yourself the housekeeper will help you packing your things for your flight the day after tomorrow. Annyeonghi gaseyo!!!


The box contains memories of your special night ♥.♥

                                                                                                                  Love lots,

                                                                                                                 Jess and Ash

After reading the note, I can’t help it but to smile, as I put aside the note and open the box next to it. It was a pile of photographs, not just any photos but me and Jung-Su and it was that night. As I look each one of them, I felt my cheeks were burning

‘Aish…. Those two…. Are they my friend? Why were they doing this to me?

I put the photos back as I lie down on my bed.  I close my eyes trying to calm my wild heart.

My phone rang so, I reach for it and saw ‘1 message received from Park Jung-Su’, I don’t know why, but my heart beat fast again as I open it.

It says, “Hi! Jas, I hope I didn’t wake you up, I just want to ask you if you have time today…. Let’s go swimming >_<”

What’s with the smiley?

I text him “Sorry Jung-Su-ssi I can’t I have to pack my things because I’ll be leaving soon.”

After a few seconds….

“You’re leaving already?? When?? T.T”

What’s with the crying face???

“The day after tomorrow, because that’s the end of our vacation leave, you know business matters”

“Aw… that’s too fast….. T.T”

“Sorry Jung-Su-ssi, that’s how it should be”

“Can I ask you to have diner tomorrow?”

Aigoo… otokashi?  I didn’t answer then another text came.

“Please!!! Just a goodbye diner?”

I can’t help myself but to say yes…. Aigoo I don’t know….

“Arasso, but where?”

“Here at my place, if it’s okay? I will cook for youJ”


He can cook? We’ll see if it tastes good. Then another one came.

“Thanks, by the way call me oppa, arasso?”

“And why would I do that?’

“Because we’re close friends now, right? And I’m older than you….”

Again I didn’t know what to text, and then another one came.

“Please??? O_O please O_O”

It made me smile because I can imagine his face doing the puppy eyes pleading and again I was defeated as I text him

“Arasso,  OPPA….. Jung-Su oppa”

“That’s My JasmineJ”

When I received it, it made my heart skipped a beat then I remembered what my two chingu wrote in the note particularly that one sentence.

‘We also knew that you like Jung-Su-ssi, its obvious chingu don’t hide it let him know okay?”

Should I let him know? Otokashi???

Revenge Is All that Matter (ON HOLD STILL GETTING PERFECT INSPIRATION)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant