[38] "Lie."

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"Oh." After a minute or so, she understood what he meant. Honestly, she wasn't thinking about doing anything like that. She just wanted to spend more time with him. She started the school semester very naive but now she was very aware of sexual relationships between boys and girls. She had just had her first kiss over the weekend, could things progress that quickly between her and Teddy? "Have there been a lot of girls that you've done...ya know with?"


"How many?" She got worried when Teddy didn't respond. Maybe he wasn't as perfect as she thought he was. "Wow."

"Before I didn't have much respect for girls. I treated them like objects," Teddy said truthfully. Now that he thought about it, the only girl beside family members that he had ever cared about was Nevaeh.

"What changed?"

Teddy shrugged his shoulders. "Getting older, realizing that I wanted more than some quickie." He intertwined their fingers. "Also watching my parents together," he added a second later. "I came back to school after the holidays with the hope of finding a girlfriend who I could chill with. I want to experience love."

"Are you in love with me?" It was said as a soft whisper.

He gave her a cheeky grin. "If I say no, does that mean we're done?"

"Of course not."

"Then no."

Desiree playfully punched him in the stomach. "You're mean."

Teddy squirmed out of the way. "I like you a lot though. Does that at least count for something?"


"I'm not saying that it can't turn to love, but we just started dating not too long ago. I don't want to rush anything with you. Which is why we're not going to my house." He placed his mouth against her ear. "You're too tempting."

Desiree giggled and pushed him away. "Okay. Well maybe I can be the first girl you fall in love with." She noticed that Teddy didn't respond and helped her off of the trunk instead.

"How about we get a quick dinner and then see a movie. I'll take you home around 8." He opened the passenger door for her.

"Sounds like a plan."

Teddy hoped it was enough time for whatever his father and Sean were doing. He started his car and drove away from the school parking lot.

Mrs. Livingston called asking about her granddaughter, she requested a callback.

Johari placed the hand-written note from Desiree onto Sean's coffee table. She was gathered inside of the Garrison home with Sean, Yolanda, and Zeke. Sierra was at home feeling under the weather, and everyone else was working.

She came into work and saw the message waiting for her. She contacted her manager and asked if she knew anything about it. According to staff, the call came into Sydney's store for her and Desiree took the message. When Johari saw it, she got immediate chills and showed Sydney who called Zeke. They then made a joint call to Sean. He had surgeries scheduled and couldn't leave the hospital until the afternoon. They were still waiting on Destiny to show up.

"What are we going to do?" Johari asked.

Sean was at a loss for words. He felt like Karma was chasing after him. He was pacing the room while the rest of them were seated. He was too nervous to remain still. "Move."

Zeke shook his head. "Running isn't going to solve anything. That's the last thing you should do. You need to come clean and tell Desiree the truth." Zeke pointed to the note. "That's proof enough that there's a possibility that she can find out from another source."

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