Blanket of Darkness

Start from the beginning

"Good job, Autumn. Everything was starting to go smoothly..."

I shrugged my shoulders, "See...Without me, everything will go smoothly."

Stiles walked over, pulling me off of the bed by my hands, "Please, baby." He begged, with a pouty lip.

Okay, first off whenever he calls me baby I literally melt into a puddle at his feet. Second, his pouty lip will literally be the death of I can't handle it. "Stiles, don't do that! Not fair!"

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Completely fair." He said back, putting a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. "I need my extremely beautiful girlfriend to go with me, so I can show her off. And I mean come on, we both know you make me look good."

"Suuuuuure," I said getting a little closer to his face, "You'll be too busy having your little reunion to even think about showing me off."

"I will never be too busy for you." He said, this time placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Hey guys, I'm still here." Scott said from his place on the bed.

I let out a small laugh, and pulled out of Stiles' grip. "Okay, fine. I'll come to the party, but I'm going to have to meet you guys there because I have to run over to Allison's."

"Well, we can wait for you...I'll pick you up."

I placed a kiss on his cheek, "No, sir. I don't wanna run you late, okay? Don't worry, just send me the address and I'll meet you there." I watched his mouth begin to open, so instead of hearing him argue I collided our lips together. The funny thing about Stiles is even when he is in the most intense discussion about something, a kiss can instantly shut him up. Then majority of the time, he gets so dazed by the kiss he forgets the whole point about what we're talking about. Sad thing though is he can do the same thing to me.

I slowly pulled away, "I'll see you soon, okay?"

He nodded, looking into my eyes. "Okay, I'll send you the address. I love you."

A smile took its place on my face, "I love you too." I walked towards the door, turning around as I reached the doorframe because a cough sounded behind me. "Yes?"

"I feel left out! Your best friend loves you too!!!" Scott yelled.

A laugh erupted out of my mouth, "Love you too, Scotto."


"I definitely see a pattern." I admitted, as the girls showed me the bruises that were left on their arms. "I can't believe that girl had the nerve to grab you guys like that."

Lydia shrugged her shoulders, still staring at the bruises. "I don't know. It doesn't look like much to me."

It was definitely something, there was no denying that. The bruises were identical on both of them, like how is that even possible?

"It's a pattern. It means something."

I nodded, "Yeah, I agree with Allison. These aren't normal bruises, it's like she wanted to leave the pattern..."

"We need to talk to Scott. Is he going to that party tonight with you and Stiles?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, Stiles wasn't really giving him a choice...or me."

Lydia narrowed her eyes at me, "Auttie, you love parties. And I'm a little offended that you haven't invited me to go with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Lydia....It's not some rave, okay? It's a seventeen year olds birthday party. Don't really think anything crazy is gonna happen."

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