"She's just not used to everyone." Killian explained. "At this age everyone is a stranger, so she's pretty cautious."

"Can we keep her for the night! I miss having a baby in the house and Luna won't let me impregnate her again." He pleaded.

"Seriously dad? All your kids are grown up. It'd be weird having a newborn as a sibling."

"You don't understand cuz you don't have kids."

"I've been raising Jade since she was brought to us."

"It's different when it's your kid. You never got to experience the joy of knowing a life is being formed inside of your loved one. Or the moment when they're first brought into the world."

"You missed out on both those things with me."

"Hey it's not my fault. You're mother is the one to blame for that, but I still got to raise you and experience those things with your brother and sister."

I sighed and shut my mouth. He was right, but little did he know that he hit a nerve with me. I did experience a bit of that when Dahlia was pregnant, but from the beginning it was just a plot to seek revenge for what she did to Vivien. I never even loved her.

"Maybe another time.  She's still getting used to everyone.

"Fine, but when she is used to us. I wanna be the first to get her."

"Shouldn't that be Vivien." I chimed in. My dad smacked me to shush me. "Since when do you hit?!?!"

"Now." He did it again making Aki laugh which was the cutest thing in the world. Her expression quickly changed and looked towards her dad.

"Excuse me Vladimir, but I believe she must use the restroom." He grabbed her as I followed Killian into the house to show him the restroom. I looked away while Aki went pee.

"Don't forget to wash your hands afterwards." I heard him say.

"I remember when I potty trained Jade, I had to have my mom help out."

"Sadly, my mother was no help, but I made do with Aki. She's not a difficult child. We had it down in less than a week."

"How was that possible?!"

"I started first thing in the morning for 15 minutes then every time after she ate and before she went to bed. I had to make sure she didn't drink anything before bedtime and made sure she had pull ups on."

"And it actually worked?" Aki tugged on his pants and pointed towards the sink. He picked her up and set her on the counter while she washed her hands. My phone then rang suddenly and to no surprise it was Dahlia.

"Hey I'm with family right now."

"Sorry! Anyways I was wondering if Jade wanted to have a play date with Alice."

"Yeah that's fine. How about tomorrow since it's both of our days off?"

"Perfect!! See you then!" She hung up and I looked towards Killian who was staring at me.

"Let me guess. That is the female who made Vivien's life a living hell."

"Yes, but after being in a psych ward caused by me she has really turned her life around."

"I doubt it. She sounded like it would also be a play date for adults."

"I already have a new fuck buddy."

"You really should find someone."

"Same goes for you."

"The only one for me is Vivien. As long as I have Aki that is all I need."

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