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When I woke up, the chief's face was right in mine. I swear I was close enough to touch his black squirrel of a mustache. Once he saw that I was awake, he sat back down. I tried to move around, but I found that I was tied to a chair with rope. The two of us were separated by a single table. Several bright light bulbs dangled from the ceiling, making the chief's bald head glow.

"Good, you're awake. Now tell me, Ms. Holdyer: how does a little girl like you manage to kill so many people?" he asked. I snorted.

"Excuse me? I'm 13, thank you very much," I retorted. The chief sighed.
"Answer my question."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because then I would have to kill you," I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and stuffed another cigar in his mouth. As he lit it, my eyebrows rose.

"I thought smoking wasn't allowed here," I pointed out. Sneering, he leaned in close to me and blew the smoke in my face. I held my breath. The chief laughed as he sat back down.

"You think I care?" he spat. "I'm the boss around here, and I don't need a cupcake like you to tell me what to do." My blood boiled; did he really just call me "cupcake"? I could rip his body apart. I nearly rose from my chair, straining the ropes that were tying me down.

"Who are you calling cupcake?" I growled. The chief smirked.

"What are you gonna do to me, hotshot?" he sneered. Then after that, everything happened in rapid succession. I raised my arms until the ropes binding me snapped. I tackled him and we fell over. Once we were on the ground, I pinned his arms and legs down. I grinned.

"What am I going to do? Well, I could just kill you," I spoke. A bead of sweat ran down the chief's face.

"Whoa, now. If you don't get off of me right now, I'm going to have to take action," the chief warned. I rolled my eyes.

"And what are you gonna do?" I spat. The chief grinned. And then suddenly, I was flung off of him. I rolled on the ground while he stood up completely. He fumbled around with his pockets until he pulled something out. When I looked up at him, a gun was pointed at my face.

"Well, this is surprising." His grin widened. "Looks like the tables have turned." I scooted backwards. I put my hands up in defense.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get too hasty here," I said. "Why don't we talk about this before one of us makes a mistake we'll both regret?" The chief raised one of his eyebrows.

"A little bit too late for that, don't you think?" he responded. I bit my lip. I slowly stood up.

"I thought cops were supposed to be good." The chief shrugged.

"Sometimes good guys have to be bad to get rid of the bad." I took a step back. "So, any last words?" Looking around the room, I analyzed my situation. Here was a buff police chief with his pistol pointed at me. I was a scrawny vampire girl who only had instincts to back her up. Who was going to win in the end? Eventually, I made my decision.

"Yeah. Kiss my ass." I rushed at him, going as fast as I could. Completely surprised by this, the chief stumbled back until he hit the wall.

"Get back," he ordered. I didn't listen; I continued to run.

"Get back, o... or I'm going to have to shoot," he said. Once I was right in front of him, I grabbed his wrist and pointed his gun at my heart.

"Go ahead. I dare you," I sneered. The chief's hand trembled. He tried pulling it away, but I held on for dear life. I could read the panic on his face like a book. I smirked.

Damnation (OLD AND DISCONTINUED, PLEASE READ NEWER VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now