**EXCERPT #2**

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***Hello! So I know this is a little weird because my new updates are usually at the end of my story. But this time, it's at the beginning. I just wanted to change up the excerpt for 'Damnation' but it looked like a lot of people liked the current one I had. So instead of changing it, I decided to make a second excerpt, just for the sake of you guys. I hope you guys like it! And keep on reading if you haven't already!***

I lay on the ground, my head throbbing. My arms and legs were bound together by rope. I tried to speak, but I was gagged with a piece if cloth. I was about to find a way out when footsteps echoed throughout the room. Suddenly, something pulled me up by my hair. I winced in pain. I was met face to face with the man of my nightmares.

"Joseph?" I said, although my voice came out all muffled. He looked at me, releasing a sigh.

"Gina, Gina, Gina. I'm very disappointed in you," Joseph spoke in a sophisticated manner. I examined him. It was still him, but he looked like he was from the time of the Renaissance. He wore a 17th century-style long coat over a gray dress vest, which had and a dress shirt underneath. He stared back at me with his now yellow eyes.

"What the heck is happening? What are you?" I asked. Joseph chuckled a bit under his breath. He fumbled around with the cloth until it dropped from my mouth. I took in a deep breath before exhaling it all out.

"You see, Gina. You've been a very naughty girl. You're figuring out my master plan before I'm even supposed to show it to you," he explained. I knitted my eyebrows.

"What master plan?" I inquired. Joseph chuckled again. His chuckling soon turned into full-out laughter. He pushed me against the hard wall. All the air was knocked out of my lungs.

"Wow, you're more dimwitted than I thought. And I thought vampires were smarter than this. All well, that's fine. When I'm done with your kind, no one will have to deal with your nonsense." I froze. I gawked at him.

"What did you say...?" I gasped. Joseph only rolled his eyes.

"Do I have to spell it out for you, Gina?" He grabbed my hair again and pulled my head close to his. "I'm... going... to kill... all... vampires. Do you understand?" My eyes bulged out. Kill all vampires? It was insane. I clenched my fists.

"But I thought you were nice. Zack trusted you." I growled. Joseph's yellow eyes lit up when I spoke.

"Yes, and that's the trust I need. You see, Zack's a pretty strong guy, and he's a werewolf. He'll be perfect to carry out my plan." I gritted my teeth.

"You'll never get away with this," I snarled. Joseph chuckled once again.
"Oh, Gina. I already have." And with that, he wrapped his hand around my neck and gripped hard.

I woke up, gasping for air. I felt all around me. I was in my room. I rubbed my head. What was that? The events of the vision played over in my mind. I didn't know exactly what it meant, but I did realize one thing: Joseph was actually evil and he was after Zack.

Enjoy the rest of the book!

Damnation (OLD AND DISCONTINUED, PLEASE READ NEWER VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now